The Obscure Old Show Thread

Alright people let’s get to remembering. Whenever a group starts to talk about old shows in real life the conversation just takes off on its own, so here we go.

I’m talking shows from the past, elementary school and earlier, before kindergarten even, all those obscure ones that you don’t remember until someone mentions something about it.

The Popples - they were like possums that roll up into soccer balls. I don’t remember much more than that about them, but my brother had one.

The Wuzzles - strange animals that were combinations of 2 animals in one. I just looked this one up recently. Bumblion and Moosle. Yeah! I sort of remember the show.

Today’s Special - the one in the department store where the manequin came alive when he put on the hat, and there was the crazy security guard and that mouse.

Muppet Babies - I don’t think I have to explain that one. Everyone loved Muppet Babies!

Weinerville - What a weird show that was. Mark Weiner and all his huge-head-little-body puppet people. Crazy! It wasn’t on too long I remember.

Anyone else got any really old shows just dangling on the edge of their memory? Nickleodeon had a ton of them.

Fraggle Rock.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The Smurfs (kids haven’t even heard of that these days…ahh…my old IRC alias: Evul-Smurf :P)

There are others…


*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *
**Pinwheel. **

/me points his finger and laughs at the guy who is not as old as everyone thinks but is older then him



Come now. It was all about Beakman’s World, was it not?


Ok, I was an avid tv watcher when I was younger so here is the list.

The Sercert World Of Alex Mack: about a girl who had blonde hair and had some weird chemical get on her and was thus able to transform into a metallic silver liquid. She also had some special powers but I can’t remember what.

Wishbone: I saw this not too long ago so it might not be that old. About a Jack Russel Terrior (that’s a dog) whose name was wishbone. He used to “jump” into books or imagine atleast that he was in the story. Very Good show for the kiddies.

Space Cases: This was one of those Nick ones that only lasted a very short time. I don’t remember the plot or anything save for the fact they were in space and one of the main characters had rainbow colored hair and was female. (does anyone remember this show??)

The Elephant Show: Ok, this I barely remember. All I know is the theme song. “Snicker-a-rickiedenk denk…snicker-a-rickie ado…I love you…I love you in morning and in the afternoon…I love in the evening and underneath the moon” I am not sure those are spelled correctly but you will just have to sound them out like I did. Hehe. There was even a dance, which I sorta remember.

Are You Afraid of the Dark: Scarey Kiddie Show that came on SNICK.

Speaking of SNICK, whatever happened to that?

The Orignal Double Dare, Carebears, My Little Pony, G.I. Joe, and Speed Racer also come to mind.

SNICK is still on…it still shows All THat and some other random shows…

*Originally posted by AdamT *
**/me points his finger and laughs at the guy who is not as old as everyone thinks but is older then him **

Watch yourself, Adam :stuck_out_tongue:

I watched Pinwheel regularly.

oh man…two come to mind just off the top of my head

Get Smart - the classic spy tv show!

Ren and Stimpy - It’s loo-oog, it’s looo-ooog, it’s better than good it’s great!

Oh, I just thought of some more!

Square One - That old math show. I used to watch it before school in kindergarten.

DinoRiders - I don’t ever remember actually watching it, but the idea is total genius. Let’s make a show with dinosaurs, and give them ARMOR AND GUNS! YEAH!

Dinosausers - Only saw this a few times in Arizona. Alien dinosaurs. Weird.

Denver the Last Dinosaur - I think this was a series but I only saw the first episode/movie or something. Many times. I think it’s on a tape somewhere in my house.

Wow, dinosaurs were popular back in the day.

*Originally posted by MBiddy *
**Square One - That old math show. I used to watch it before school in kindergarten. **

sub-show… MathNet! (math-based dragnet spoof)

David the Gnome is still the best. Ever.

David the Knome kicked butt but do you remember who the fox was that he rode around on? Muhahaha…Swift. Like I said…avid tv watcher when I was younger.

I remember Doug when Doug was cool and was still in Junior High. I think Disney bought him now but he was with Nick.

The Orignal Power Rangers! Yeah, I’m old.

Full House, which I think is now in reruns, and Two Of a Kind.

I remember when you ahd to PAY scary thought here for Disney and Nick was just one channel.

*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *
**sub-show… MathNet! (math-based dragnet spoof) **

Weren’t those both sub shows of 321 Contact?

Oh and I got some for you all,
Pee Wee’s Playhouse,
The Go Bots, Pound Puppies,
The Maxx- On mtv,
The MC Hammer cartoon with his talking magic shoes,
F-Troop, Lost in Space - the original show,
Kids Incorporated, Funhouse-Double Dare type kiddie game show,
You Can’t do that on Television, Punky Brewster,
The Fall Guy

Ok I’m done for now. Those are just a few I used to watch regularly

edit: Ooh I got one more, “Romper Room”

Not as old, but certainly forgotten: Earthworm Jim! (He’s such a groovy guy . . .)

Of similar age, slightly more longevity, but still forgotten twice: The Tick (Very awesome show, both times. Sad both shows were cancelled)

Also a good show, but I think it’s still on occasionally: Rocko’s Modern Life. (“What are you doing?” “Watching you sleep – you’re weird.”)

From way back in my childhood, I remember Gummy Bears (they drank juice and bounced around), Maya the Bee (I hated that show, yet never quite realized I didn’t have to watch . . .), Fat Albert, and that one on Nick with “Picture Pages.”

Who could forget Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Bots Master?

And before my time: Mork and Mindy. I love Robin Williams acting.

Well, at least some of you have the idea. I beleive the word here is OBSCURE, thus my nominations: Samaurai Pizza Cats and Battletech.

Samuri Pizza Cats-loved watching that before school.

…Transformers and their Hanna-Barbara copies the Go-Bots;

Dino-Riders, ExoSquad, both He-Man shows (the original and the one where he’s in space) the Star Trek animated series

umm…VR Troopers, UltraMan with one of the Lawrence brothers (can’t remember which)

And I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers Gummi Bears. I once spent a whole Sunday at work convincing people that it existed-ended up having to “sing” the theme song.

oh…Captain N, the two Star Wars cartoons with the Ewoks and the Droids…Stingray…Gargoyles

*Originally posted by Team238-aholic *


OMG I totally forgot about that show until just now…

“Welcome to Weinerville, aaaaawwwwwwww!!”

The best old show hands down:
