The phoenix5 package is not installed via RobotPy

How can I use the CTRE’s phoenix5 package to run VictorSPX? I used to instantiate phoenix5.WPI_VictorSPX() but in my last RobotPy update it displays for me that the package does not exist.

Any tips to solve this issue?

Are you implementing “ctre” in your robotpy_extras? If so, I believe Phoenix 5 and 6 are separate libraries now, try “phoenix5”.

ctre was my second try, but I have already tested with phoenix5 on robotpy_extras, and it did not work.

Weird. You could try implementing it in your required libraries to see if that works, we’ve done that for phoenix 6 before the stable releases came out this year.

Add robotpy-ctre to requires.

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Seems to need more than the requires. We’ve added that, and it appears to download to the local PC on robotpy sync, but the robot code fails on import in the same way as the OP.

For us, it is phoenix6 and rev both. Both are in robotpy_extras, and the corresponding robotpy-ctre and robotpy-rev are in requires.

Why did it change? Will something happen with phoenix5 so that it won’t be placed in robotpy_extras?

My goal is for robotpy_extras to go away next year. The way it’s implemented means somethings it ends up with issues like this, and requires should always Just Work.

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