The Robonauts Everybot, with a final budget of $1000, is an affordable, robust, and simplistic robot that can be built with nothing but basic tools and items found in either the kit of parts, purchased from your local hardware store, or an online retailer such as AndyMark, Vexpro, McMaster-Carr, etc.
In our analysis of Destination Deep Space, we’ve found that a short list of robot capabilities will define a robot capable of playing in a regional finals match or having a place on an alliance at a championship. We stuck to the most valuable and basic scoring tasks.
The 2019 Robonauts Everybot Robot Will:
· Have a camera for driver feedback during the sandstorm period and during the teleoperated period
· Drive up the level 1 deck and down from the level 2 deck
· Accept hatch panels from the human player loading station
· Place hatch panels on the cargo ship
· Pick up cargo from the floor
· Load cargo into the cargo ship
· Play defense
After build week 1, a short video, CAD, bill of materials, software, and documentation of how we built Everybot will be posted on our website here.