The Robonauts 118 - 2019 Everybot

The Robonauts Everybot, with a final budget of $1000, is an affordable, robust, and simplistic robot that can be built with nothing but basic tools and items found in either the kit of parts, purchased from your local hardware store, or an online retailer such as AndyMark, Vexpro, McMaster-Carr, etc.

In our analysis of Destination Deep Space, we’ve found that a short list of robot capabilities will define a robot capable of playing in a regional finals match or having a place on an alliance at a championship. We stuck to the most valuable and basic scoring tasks.

The 2019 Robonauts Everybot Robot Will:

· Have a camera for driver feedback during the sandstorm period and during the teleoperated period

· Drive up the level 1 deck and down from the level 2 deck

· Accept hatch panels from the human player loading station

· Place hatch panels on the cargo ship

· Pick up cargo from the floor

· Load cargo into the cargo ship

· Play defense

After build week 1, a short video, CAD, bill of materials, software, and documentation of how we built Everybot will be posted on our website here.


Will you guys be competing in that RI3D competition again? Definitely interested to see what you guys come up with this year.

FirstUpdatesNow refers to an “FRC118 MCC Competition Webcast” in their stream list, scheduled to stream on the 13th, so at the very least, they appear to be hosting or facilitating one.

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That’s a feature list that covers like 50% of scoring opportunities. That’s going to be a pretty solid robot. With room for improvement if you can mod things enough to expand capabilities to 1st level rocket on panels and cargo.

I’m assuming they’re going with a fixed mounted panel manipulator on the front, cargo manipulation on the rear to simplify integration.


That’s pretty much the same set of requirements I came up with for a cargobot. :+1: Regarding defense, does this include the ability to cleanly navigate the cable cover, or do you have to drive on the side away from the scoring table? This robot is also likely to be able to put a hatch on the bottom row of the rockets , because the hatches are essentially the same as on the cargo ship. Depending on the techniques used, it may be a reasonably small task to score cargo at the lowest level of the rockets.

Yes! There is more information about the Houston Week -6 Event in this thread.

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Everybot will be able to drive over the cable protector.

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Can’t wait to see it. As a very small, 5-girl, 3-mentor rookie team last year struggling with design late in the build season, we built a version of the Everybot and made it all the way to finals and won the rookie award. It’s beat to heck now, but it survived the Regionals and two other summer exhibition competitions like a champ.


We are proud to present the 2019 Robonauts Everybot:

The CAD model can be found here.
The Bill of Materials can be found here.
The Material Cut List can be found here.

A document on how we built Everybot will be posted soon.


Oh my god. So many brilliant ideas. This robot, if driven well, could be a 1st round pick.


This is a perfect use of the door motor!


I love this so much. It’s a simple yet elegant approach to scoring points FAST


Genious to use the cargo ship to hold the ball for the top belt

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So awesome of you guys to do that. Increases the skill of the playing field and improves the quality of first overall. One of our picks in our finalist alliance was an Everybot. You guys rock!

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This is awesome! Out of curiousity, is the Everybot able to get onto level 2 by taking advantage of some air time like this 2337 video?

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Wow. I love how oh so simple this is while being extremely effective. This really is a gold standard for all low/ mid level teams.


Another great design, Well done. (again)

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Does there happen to be a blooper reel of the reveal video, or was lining up the hatch on the cargo ship just that accurate?


That sort of thing can come with driver practice regardless of the mechanism. And you can see it in action on stream tomorrow in the week -6 competition on First Updates Now (FUN)


Very nice. Everybot has really become relevant and useful to the community!