No bag meant a later video than we planned. Here’s a reveal nonetheless. Good luck to all teams, we’re excited to move from this lengthy build season and start competing.
Really interesting color wheel mechanism!
Who doesn’t love a good 'ole 118 washing machine mystery box?
That top shooter wheel is intriguing
The vertical round tube 5 stage climber with no obvious extensions… Something else entirely! The name is touching as well!
There is so much to this robot I just want to stare in awe at.
Also the rack and pinion on the pnumatics is a strait 118 touch
Touch it, own it. I love the intake mechanism and linkages!
Love the bot this year! (as if I ever don’t like it)
Great work! Can’t wait to see you compete this weekend!
Good timing on video release considering the fast shooters showing lately.
Anyhow wow. I can’t describe everything I love. We are trying to figure the tube climber and assume it is the spring inside tube. We are not quite getting the right compression atm.
That wheel of fortune spinner looks like our original version before it got canned. Jealous!
Also, they fire their fifth shot before the first goes in the goal. That is a fast shot speed.
Really hope people take a second to appreciate this, I’ve never seen a use of pneumatic like this and I love it.
I have been fixated on that since the video was posted, just awesome.
I don’t understand why they did this vs just a lever arm.
Anyone have any insight? Just 'cause they can?
Wow this is an amazing robot - I love so many tiny things about this robot - I know I’ll be watching this reveal 100 more times at least - great job this year and good luck!
also does anyone know the name of the song? I need to add it to my 118 Spotify playlist lol
971 did something similar but instead of a rack and pinion it was with chain. I don’t have a picture on hand but I love seeing linear to rotary motion designs like this!
This way they don’t use a motor, and pneumatics are generally thinner so they can have a wider hopper
Maybe they ran out of pdp slots for motors?
(But maybe not /s lol)
This allows for constant force and avoids any over center locking issues. Hella difficult rack gear to make though, unless that was modified rack gear stock (doesn’t look like it).
I’m pretty sure the 2017 'bot used something similar on the gear mech pivot.