It’s that time, everyone. The Orlando Regional is here!
We’re in the production studio right now, the camera crews are all over the venue, and we have an excellent show for you in store tonight.
Join us tonight at 7pm and get all the inside information about the Orlando regional you would be missing out on otherwise and an exciting in depth view. Find out more and watch the 20-minute show formatted in a sports highlight style similar to national broadcasts at
This is just the start, our second episode airs tomorrow night at 7pm with all the updates on qualification matches and in depth analysis and behind the scenes footage of team progress.
The best part? Saturday we will be doing a full live broadcast with full sports commentary, live interviews, and footage to keep you in all of the action in the time between each match. Tune in after alliance selection and see the action as if you were here.
Correct, sorry about that. For tonight and tomorrow night it may be just a few minutes after since we will be filming it live and uploading it to YouTube immediately after.
Hey guys! Thanks for your patience. We were running a lot of cameras and a lot of editors today gearing up for our live broadcast Saturday. So, we took the time tonight to get things together to improve our flow for tomorrow and ultimately our live broadcast.
I’m pleased to tell you that the video is now uploading and transcoding on YouTube and will be available in the next few minutes. Check it out!
Yeah there are a few technical issues we need to work out. Thursday is a practice day for everyone.
We’ll be at it again tomorrow so be sure to follow us on Twitter @RoboShowLive to stay up to date with the show and get behind the scenes stuff.
First off, great job to everyone involved! I know how tough it is to pull of something like this, and even tougher to have it come out this good. The only problem I had when watching the video was that the audio was really quiet. I had my speakers all the way up and had to lean in close to hear it. Other than that, good job and I’m looking forward to tonight’s edition.
The second episode is posted!! Don’t forget we’ll be covering every elimination match live and spending the time in between matches discussing the game play, strategy, and highlights of the day. We’ll also have a few more stories from the regional to show you.