To break up the Game hint threads, and stressful manual threads I figured I would post this…
So, we were doing some interviews pre season for our upcoming documentary. One of our Mentors Mr.Kay finished his interview but decided to take it a step further and talk about his favorite ‘Tool’. A little background info Mr.Kay is the school district’s Orchestra teacher and he became a mentor last year.
Here is the Video:
I should also talk a bit about the documentary. So basically we are shooting a documentary throughout this year following our team through the season. Right now we are talking about years past (Mostly failures). The idea of the documentary is it will show our progression from a low level team to a competitive mid level team something we have started to do. The documentary will be released in the Fall of 2016. The trailer will be released on Stop Build day at 11:59 pm EST.
So… If your at the Long Island kickoff event do not be surprised when you see a 3 person camera crew walking around with a full sized rig, and boom.
Also, we will probably be doing some interviews with other teams so if you are interested please PM me. We will be at Stony Brook 30 minutes early to get a bit of footage.
Hope this gives you a few laughs - Sam