The Rookies Need Some Help

Hi folks,
We are a rookie team and would like to know if anyone has a suggestion on where to get aluminum stock for our robot. Thanks in advance for your help.

On of the easiest stores to get materials from is Home Depot or Lowes.

They usually have a good stock of angle Alum. If they are low go to a local hardware store.

Ask your parents they may have a contact with a vendor that has a supply.

Remember: With all materials, they must be within the limits of the additional materialslist and specification that you were provided.

Up until your post I had asumed such suppliers were not legal based on the following statement in the rules:

“Items should be available at local hardware stores or building supply centers such as Lowe’s or Home Depot.”

Any clarification from the judges is appreciated.


Jim Meyer

You are correct. To even the playing field supplies must be local.

Home Depot is great!