Theoretically, you can stack gamepieces into your area and once the amplification is on, you can shoot many pieces for 5 points each, what are your thoughts?
I would hope that any major concentration of Notes gets disrupted by an opponent with great speed.
yeah, just hope that the other alliance doesn’t steal/disrupt your pile. High risk high reward strategy.
This could be effective if you defended it well, but you would need to watch out for drivers who see the opportunity to throw a large wrench in the works of your plan with (relative) ease.
You could stash them in the save zone by the amp, once you’ve got the two for the amplification, wait for everyone to be ready to score high ¯_(ツ)_/¯ then go for 10s
It’s only a safe zone for robots, not game pieces.
You could have a robot defending the notes stashed in the amp zone, making any opposing robot risk a foul for disrupting them (if I am understanding the situation correctly)
That’s quite a trade off to make
It’s also opposite end from the note station, so it’d overall be a disadvantage for them probably
This actually seems quite likely to me. Given the field layout, an opponent robot poses a great risk trying to move into your AMP zone to disrupt your stashed pieces here, as this year the protection applies to if EITHER robot’s bumpers intersect with the zone.
So for an opponent bot to attempt to cross the field from their scoring area or their source to try and disrupt or steal game pieces in your corner is both a large opportunity cost and a very easy to cash in risk of tech foul.
Chat, this is my 2024 Prediction.
See you next year for my next strategy prediction
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