Thats Pretty cool…still dont exactly know how it works… is it sucking the air out of the bag???
It was discussed a few months ago here:
Since the narrative mentions vacuum, I presumed air was removed from the rubber sack of coffee grounds. This changed their property of conformability to more rigid thereby retaining what had been surrounded. They didn’t mention the release cycle process. Repressurizing it I’m sure, but greater than ambient?
Not a COTS item I guess, but in FRC the first non-deburred aluminum it grazed would have the coffee all over the deck. I wonder if they’re using unbrewed or brewed grounds.
So that’s the origin of the tennis ball yellow herring. Shows me how far I am behind in CD reading. Didn’t we have enough of suction with the ball magnets already? Is there a shop vac in the KOP this year? BYOCG (bring your own …)
I saw that info elsewhere; they simply bring it to ambient (just a bit higher, so air flows in to the coffee)
Surely we could develop an abrasion-resistant covering? I’m thinking 1/2 oz Kevlar or something.
Unbrewed. It needs to be very dry. (I also suspect that it has a bit of the ‘in case of caffeine shortage, break balloon’ effect going on, too