i was wondering how you would hook up the Microsoft USB camera from andymark to the robot and program it?
It’s a USB camera. Plug it into one of the roboRIO’s USB connectors.
What programming language do you use to program your robot? The default LabVIEW project already includes the code to forward the camera image to the Dashboard for display. Examples in C++ and Java show what you need to add to your program for it to do the same thing. Other examples show how to process the image in order to get useful information for your program to use.
Our team is using the LifeCam USB camera with Java. It’s working fine on the default PC Dashboard with the Simple Vision sample program, but we can’t get an image on the SmartDashboard. We’d like to use the SmartDashboard - any ideas what we should check to get the camera to display on it?
My team successfully got the Microsoft camera to work with the default dashboard. We just added the code from the simple vision example to our existing code, but we haven’t specifically tried SmartDashboard, but it’s on our list. I will let you know if we get it to work on SmartDashboard.
One thing we’ve noticed is that there is a single socket, and the LabVIEW dashboard doesn’t close it when you turn off the camera. We’ve needed to close the LabVIEW dashboard and then start SmartDashboard to get it to work.
We are also having this problem. After applying the new WPILib update last week, we noticed that the USB Camera was not connecting on SmartDashboard but it worked fine on the default dashboard.