The wonderful world of Flash

Well…sort of. I know a lot don’t like it, but if you know it, any help would be nice.

I’m redesigning our website right now (so as to have a chance in the website award) and want some flash. I hate basic rollovers and text links and want a little animation to spruce things up. I just was hoping for some neat tricks or something. I keep looking back to and just wonder “um…how?”.

I know of, but it is mroe other things I’m interested in. Like a NEWS Page that is done in Flash that reads the news from a textfile or something and makes it look spiffy. Or if you use a lot of movie clips to perform animations or anything.

(Hope that makes sense…)

Chris is a great flash site for MX and 5, plus some AS tutorials. Very active forum there to. Most effects on that site seem to be just tweens (by the way…I love flash).


flash. rawr

This is slightly offtopic, but I would seriously suggest you reconsider doing EVERYTHING in flash. Will it look cool as anything? Quite possibly.

Unfortunately, the average person does not care about your brilliant animating talents. What they probably want is to just read your news, or find the calendar. That usually entails a site that loads quickly, without any real startup animations.

Imagine browsing to a page and being forced to wait 5 seconds before you can click any links (as things slowly animate in).

Animated headers, etc are fine. Just don’t make your navigation or main site content display as flash. Please. Animation is nice, but inherently useless, and sometimes even pisses people off. (Some guy did a study and it seems that some people can’t stand animation so much that they’ll cover parts of their screen with their hand.)

End Anti-Flash auto rant.

if you are looking for simple yet effective flash…you might try swish lite…it does the baisc operations flash does and it is like 200 % easyer…e-mail me if you want to know more has some sweet flashes and some source code

*Originally posted by HFWang *

flash. rawr

This is slightly offtopic, but I would seriously suggest you reconsider doing EVERYTHING in flash. Will it look cool as anything? Quite possibly.

Unfortunately, the average person does not care about your brilliant animating talents. What they probably want is to just read your news, or find the calendar. That usually entails a site that loads quickly, without any real startup animations.

Imagine browsing to a page and being forced to wait 5 seconds before you can click any links (as things slowly animate in).

Animated headers, etc are fine. Just don’t make your navigation or main site content display as flash. Please. Animation is nice, but inherently useless, and sometimes even pisses people off. (Some guy did a study and it seems that some people can’t stand animation so much that they’ll cover parts of their screen with their hand.)

End Anti-Flash auto rant. **

That’s the trick. Making the site “user-friendly” AND “ub3r-s3xy”

*Originally posted by HFWang *

flash. rawr

This is slightly offtopic, but I would seriously suggest you reconsider doing EVERYTHING in flash. Will it look cool as anything? Quite possibly.

Unfortunately, the average person does not care about your brilliant animating talents. What they probably want is to just read your news, or find the calendar. That usually entails a site that loads quickly, without any real startup animations.

Imagine browsing to a page and being forced to wait 5 seconds before you can click any links (as things slowly animate in).

Animated headers, etc are fine. Just don’t make your navigation or main site content display as flash. Please. Animation is nice, but inherently useless, and sometimes even pisses people off. (Some guy did a study and it seems that some people can’t stand animation so much that they’ll cover parts of their screen with their hand.)

End Anti-Flash auto rant. **

I totally agree.
Not everyone has a pentium 4 on their desk and that stupid “Do you want Flash 6?” popup is obnoxious. Our web team wanted to use flash but their mentor recommended against it. All it really accomplishes is adding more strain to computers and there are plenty out there that won’t be able to process your site and those people who are going to vote for your site won’t because they cannot even see it.
Sometimes you can do and say so much more with simple graphics.