Due to a rare leak of information, I have it on absolute 100% certainity that there will be goal(s) involved in this year’s game. Since these goals must be built, I can safely assume they will be made from matter, elements found in this universes periodic table of elements.
*Originally posted by Dr.Bot *
**Due to a rare leak of information, I have it on absolute 100% certainity that there will be goal(s) involved in this year’s game. Since these goals must be built, I can safely assume they will be made from matter, elements found in this universes periodic table of elements.
Wow, the suspense is all over now. **
If there’s goals, do that mean there will be balls AGAIN~!? Ahhhhhhhhhh!
They better be goal(s) you can put inflatable baseball bats in.
*Originally posted by MattK *
**What there are going to be ROBOTS in the competition this year!?!?!?!!? **
Please keep in mind it’s only rumor at this point. But a source of mine tells me he did overhear Dean speaking about this aspect of the 2003 competition over lunch at Denny’s. Dean and someone else (another FIRST Staff member?) were sitting across the dining hall, but through the use of the Sonic Ear (As Seen on TV) my source was able to hear their converstation.
The goal of the game is to build a robot that wont get magnetized to the field, using a magnetic insulator :-p
*Originally posted by Ken L *
**If there’s goals, do that mean there will be balls AGAIN~!? Ahhhhhhhhhh!
They better be goal(s) you can put inflatable baseball bats in. **
Just beacause there are goals doesnt mean they are balls
I havent heard anything, nor do I know any inside info on this subject, but its a possibility. Heck you could be picking up giant square blocks or pyramid shaped squeezable items.
*Originally posted by Dr.Bot * Due to a rare leak of information, I have it on absolute 100% certainity that there will be goal(s) involved in this year’s game. Since these goals must be built, I can safely assume they will be made from matter, elements found in this universes periodic table of elements.
You must have seen a different rare leak of information than I did. I heard that there would be goals, but no construction would be required. Instead, each kit would include seven “Carter’s Little Goal Pills” and one Alludium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator. Turning the Alludium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator on the pills would cause them to phase shift through a minute wormhole from the X dimension (where all the Alludium Phosdex is kept) to automatically deploy the entire play field, goals, scoring objects, and the necessary artificial snow-making equipment.
*Originally posted by Tim_Wochomurka *
**Traction… could this mean Ice or something? **
I highly doubt ice. Ever been to a hockey game?? They would have to keep the competition site that cold throughout the whole competition weekend. Many venues are not equipted to carry air equipment required to freeze the ice, so then they would be forced to buy or rent them and that would cost extra $$$.
I heard that there may be incidents when operating the “robots” where FRICTION might exist!! Then another person ::wink wink:: told me that the entire thing might be frictionless, so nothing could go anywhere!!! THE POSSIBILITIES!