I’ve heard that the strength of the radio signal is affected by where it is placed on the robot (for instance, that it should not be next to motors).
Does anyone know which items which interfere with the radio and to what degree?
I’ve heard that the strength of the radio signal is affected by where it is placed on the robot (for instance, that it should not be next to motors).
Does anyone know which items which interfere with the radio and to what degree?
Keep them away from large chunks of metal. This year, that might include pyramids.
Two years ago I saw a robot with communication issues that went away after the router was relocated away from Jaguar speed controllers. I was told about a second robot that was said to have had the same problem and same fix, but I didn’t see it myself.
Putting it near motors and other electronics is the biggest no-no, but non-energized metal can cause significant issues. Get it as up high as you can. We mounted ours to Lexan (which isn’t supposed to interfere), but there are other ways to do it.
What you want to avoid is anything that generates electromagnetic noise and anything that blocks signals. Basically, that works out to staying away from the motors and the motor controllers (noise) and not putting the radio inside anything that might be described as a metal box (RF shielding). Higher is better, more exposed is better (within reason). Lexan shielding isn’t a problem.
Putting the radio on a metal belly-pan with all the motor controllers, directly between two drive motors, and under a shooter motor and sheet metal shooter deck is the worst possible position I can think of offhand. If this sounds like what you’ve done, you should really think about making a change. :]
This explains a lot.
I hadn’t given our router placement much thought until looking at this thread. I find your exact description of our router placement to be a little eerie (Edit: although no problems yet)
One more thing to go on the todo list…
Thanks! I think we’re safe this year, but we’re brainstorming ways to make our electronics board better next year. Do you think putting it above the battery is fine?
Treat the radio like an antenna. Higher is better, away from large metal surfaces is better, away from large current draws (motors, compressor) is better.