this year is going to suck

i don’t mean to sound pessmistic,

but i’m under the impression that everyone will take the easy way out and build a box with wheels and possible some grabbing device

most of the points are in the goals and robots. there is also an easy 20 in balls (if ur robot can push goals). there are no big design challanges … the scoring system is complex and twisted [check my site for a simulation program]

correct me if i am wrong <-- happens a lot]

I must disagree. At first, I thought the game was too simple … but then I remembered the 3x losers rule, and started to work out scenarios. Now, I figured out that if you want to be guranteed a win (this will be no surprise, you guys have no doubt figured this out too), you need to be able to handle goals and balls. There are many teams that will only do one, but will do it well. There will be some teams that can do both decently. And there will be a presious few teams that can do both very well. Also, you can’t completely dominate the game, you have to help the other guy out if he isn’t doing well. All in all, it’s a game with many dimensions, that cannot be dismissed as being simple or gasp “sucking”.

I hope that made sense,

This game should actually be quite a lot of fun, let’s think about why:
2 v 2: Now we will be going head to head again, which means you can’t build a “box with wheels” if you don’t want to suck
3x the loser: You can’t just crush the other team, this actually requires thought. That adds and interesting and challenging element to the game.
the game as a whole: if you want to build a robot that is really good, than it has to do a whole bunch of stuff AND be robust. If you think that is to easy or boring, than find a new passtime.
I think this game will be great, and I can’t wait for competition.

I felt the same way of this year gonna suck, but nahh! I think its going to be kicking butt! Surely, everyone is getting tired of the balls, the floppies being unique, but this year is unique in its own way!

At least the balls are a standardized size for a change… There’s really not many ways to deform a soccer ball, compared to previous year’s egg and pear shaped balls.

I think that this year will suck because in the finals it will be BATTLE BOTS (darn it)

I dont think that this year is going to stink

I figured that we would have a strategy down quickly…but it took us a long time to figure out what posibilites for strategies there are…when you sit down and really think about it, there is so much that you can do…

Give it a chance…im sure you will like the game

If I had a dollar for every person who thought “this years game is really awful”, I would have amassed a fortune over the past few years. I have to give a lot of credit to the guys at FIRST. I am sure there is a lot that goes into this process. The kind of planning and cross checking can’t be done over the weekend and a couple of drinks and pizza. Have fun it’s going to be great.

Dude, trust me.

There’s at least one team who is building something more than “a box with wheels”. :smiley:

Perhaps a very stong box with reactive armour and very nice wheels that can power a dragster one moment and a monster truck the next.

oh yeah, our robot surely isnt JUST a box with wheels… MUAHAHHAHA! our drive system is going to kick some butt!

There is no way that this year is going to suck. The rules may look simple, but the 3x rule and the possibility of being in both goal zones at once changes the whole balance of the game. THINK about it next time you want to bash the game design.

*Originally posted by Dr.Bot *
**Perhaps a very stong box with reactive armour and very nice wheels that can power a dragster one moment and a monster truck the next. **

Reactive armor?! As in it will explode outwards when a projectile is inbound?! :wink: And I thought Battlebots was bad… :wink:


It’ll protect your robot from the first ball that comes at you :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone who thinks this year’s game is going to be a dissapointment has just become blase with FIRST. This is probably one of the best games we have had yet. My team has a motto K.I.S.S. or Keep It Simple Stupid. There is no way that any head to head FIRST competition could ever lack the explosive energy that it has always had in the past. This year’s game is classic and I expect to see some amazingly creative designs from teams who are trying to get an edge over the “box on wheels” teams. The thing im looking forward to the most is seeing how other teams get around the entanglement rule and try to extend thier robot across the feild.
The other great thing about this year’s game is that it is simple enough for a rookie team to make somthing that can succeed. Trust me when you end up as thier alliance you will appreciate that they can actually compete. It isnt that easy for rookie teams to figure out how to life something up 8 feet, climb a puck or hang off of a bar. Pulling something and picking up soccer balls are a little more feasable. Basically, I’m thinking that there are going to be a lot less dead weight alliances this year and that’s good news.


I think this year is going to be great. Lots of teams will stick with boxes and power and those of us who do more will kick butt.