Thoughts About Spinning Notes?

Should notes be spinning to allow for further shooting or is further shooting not viable by definition? I’d love to hear what you think.

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Spinning should improve shot range and accuracy. The Speaker is hard to hit from distance but not impossible.
My team plans to spin them.

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Speaking the obvious…

The way that the speaker works, its essential to get as much of a straight shot with this game. There wont be much of an arch allowed for accuracy unless you break the laws of physics and somehow score a note in the speaker, more speed and accuracy is probably a safer bet than having no spin on the notes when ejecting them via flywheel.

What you are saying doesn’t make sense. because exit velocity and spin are direct tradeoffs. Creating spin with a shooter means you are not using creating as much exit velocity compared to a shooter without spin for a given flywheel surface speed. If you wanted maximum exit velo, you would want less spin. How much spin improves accuracy is a different question, but spin tends to decrease exit velo for the benefit of increased shot stability.


The question is whether exit velocity or spin is going to give you more range, and in what ratio…


Spinning is good as it helps keep the shape of the Note more constant, however how you release it and how much compression you apply while spitting it out will make the most difference.

If you imagine you are throwing a Frisbee it holds up until you snap your wrist or stop your arm to let it go. As soon as you do something like that the Note will bend and deform affecting its flight path. A frisbee can hit the wall of a shooter and hold it’s shape against the wheels.

Watching the Ri3D Cranberry Alarm Prototyping they were compressing about an inch. When it comes out the shape is more like a oval rather than an even ring. Spinning it would help those parts spread back out again.

If you are dumping there’s no gain. Over a longer range it matters more. A great test would be to have the bot sit at set distances from the wall and repeat shooting with spin and no spin and mark how far off center each shot is with tape and shot number and get a range and average. Right now it’s too early to have hard numbers, but hopefully in the next week or two we’ll see this data come through the community

As of yesterday it was increased to a total of 5" of compression.

I am a day behind so that’s even more deformation to overcome now. Thanks for letting me know!

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That was our initial opinion, but when we watched some ri3d and day 1 testing from other teams, it looks like spin really isn’t all that necessary for a straight shot, even from distance. I’ve heard that this might be due to the fact that unlike a frisbee, the ring doesn’t create lift as its hollow, so it’s less affected by air resistance, and shoots straighter even without spin


Because it creates practically 0 lift it won’t go nearly as far as a frisbee would, or as freely side to side from an outside force like turbulence. It’s like throwing a cube straight with enough force it’ll still go straight. It’s aerodynamics are terrible but it’s evenly terrible, but because you launched it hard it goes straight. If you then took a curved noodle that is more Aerodynamic and throw it it will curve because the air affects it more and it’s motion is shaped by it’s air friendly shape. Maybe a terrible analogy.


So it’s a good thing in most respects that it doesn’t create lift (or have a reaction to any forces besides you throwing it)

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So far in our testing, we’ve found that you can blast a non-spinning ring at least 12 ft upwards in the air with no discernible difference to a spinning one. Unless you’re doing a truly insanely long shot, I don’t see it being a factor.

It’s my belief that these notes are going to get really beat up, and what once required 5" of compression to shoot them with the kit bot type shooter, after a full comp day of abuse, will actually require more and more compression as the rings get squishier. So our plan right now is the shoot with top/bottom rollers, because the relative compression difference between a pristine ring and a beat up ring is a much smaller range when its in that orientation.


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