So I have a microcenter going in near me and I was looking at this deal and I was thinking about going for it. I have no experience with 3d printers and I was curious if this is a good deal and if it would be a printer that would be decent starting out. Creality Ender 3 V2 3D Printer only $99 | New Customer Exclusive
Ryan, i have an ender v2 as well. Do you struggle to keep the bed level? I have upgraded springs but still have to relevel after every print. It seems like any force on the bed, even popping parts off, causes me to have to relevel.
Yep, I level it often. I use the .04" brass shim that came with my Markforged printer and that seems to work well on these printers too. You can buy a big sheet of it and cut it into strips - McMaster-Carr
I’ve done it so many times now it’s just a quick minute long process. The upgraded firmware makes leveling a faster process at least.
Ender 3 v2 at that price is a steal!
I paid twice that and LOVE it!
Upgrade the extruder to an aluminum one.
Upgrade the bed springs to heavier ones.
The glass bed is very good, but a PEI spring steel plate is way better.
I am running a CR Touch and would highly recommend it as well, but not required. As mentioned previously, upgrade the firmware.
I got a v2 last year, haven’t had any issues (that weren’t due to my own stupidity). Definitely can’t go wrong for that price.
Definitely agree with all of these upgrades, although they aren’t required for just starting out. There are plenty of YouTube tutorials and other resources online to help walk through any issues you may come up with.
I use a CR-Touch to auto level the bed, and I rarely have any bed leveling issues. Every once in a while I’ll relevel the bed, just to be sure, but I haven’t ran into any issues of it affecting my prints.
The Ender 3V2 was my first printer, and I am loving it. I have. Cr Touch, and onky have to level it every so often. I’ve only had one print fail, and everything else worked fine. Highly recommend, especially if you are starting out.
Can second ender 3 v2 as a decent printer.
I upgraded the bowden tubing (small difference in quality) and added a bltouch (100% worth it)
I would recommend upgrading to direct drive if you have the resources