Thoughts on the field...

Did anybody else look at the field and say “This looks like one half of the field from last year”…
Has anyone done what the price of a fully functional field costs?

At least $21,500

That isn’t including the lighting or obstacles, I think they might have offset a driver station to include the tower to. It is good to see the GDC go so far in such a short amount of time and in such a critical aspect of good game design.

I had that feeling too. The material and look of the defense platforms look a lot like the scoring zones from last year. (they are made of the same material- HDPE)

As a team we were able to construct 5 platforms, all 9 defense types, one castle, and one human player station out of plywood, 2 x 4’s, 4 x 4’s, and some HDPE plastic for around $500 worth of product (Home Depot was kind enough to sponsor this construction). This works out to be about a “half field”. We did already have the skeleton of a player station already built though.

What? All today??

I was thinking that too. Wow. Some teams are already well underway in constructing their field elements.

Our team focused on strategy and gaming it out, we will start field element construction very soon.

I’ve been on teams in the past where a few parents build the field elements to the plans so the students and mentors can get started on understanding everything else. It’s a huge help, and can usually be done before the kickoff weekend is over.

This field is very expensive. The outer wall is close to 22k but all those extra elements are pricey. Each defence setup probably costs around $1000 with 14 of them that’s $14k right there plus lighting effects motors for the flags the castle. Gaffers tape the carpet dodge balls custom deflectors branding ect. Your easily looking at $50,000. This year definitely has the most expensive field ever.

We spent $1000 on plywood to have half a field done (Tower, obstacles, Ball entry) will be ready tomorrow.