Thunbnails and plugins

OK so I was messing around in a test pm that I have trying to do some formatting a while a go and I ran across this
but then when I click select thumbnail I get this message

and I can’t select anything. so long story short did I just find a new not fully implemented feature or is this supposed to work but it currently doesn’t. As far as I know this was not there a few months ago.

Also on a separate question but I didn’t want to make another thread about it, What are all the plugins and stuffs like that that are on CD? I know there are a decent amount on here but I was curious to a list of them.


  • JKBear
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I think that is related to the plugin we have installed for the CD-Media category, where it shows image thumbnails on the topic listing page. If your post has image attachments, you’ll see a selection box to choose which should show on the topic listing page.

Here are the plugins we have installed currently:


ok, I can see that. does it work with the other catagories or pms at all or no

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I believe the categories have to be specifically set to display them. The only one we have it set on is the CD-Media category, at the moment.

ok thankyou

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