
Just so everyone knows, when the game ends in a tie, each alliance gets double the total pts scored. Wouldnt this be a good way to get ranked is you just tied every time??

Not really… Althought I thought of that right away as well…

Ignore robots on the top of the ramp for this…

The maxium points you COULD get if you took all 45 of the boxes, and stacked them 22 (0r 23) high would be 506.

If the teams wanted to tie, and be the most efficient, you would have to split the boxes 22, 22, and not use 1. Then each team could stack 11 high, get 121 points. Double that is 242, which is less than 506.

Of course stacking 22 high is crazy talk (I think).

I’ll leave it up to you to figure out when working with the “enemy” is a good thing. (Also, I haven’t figure that out yet myself.)

Brian (strategy mentor)