To all of our High School Graduates

First off, congratulations on your graduation! You are now ready to either go on to college (or university for the Canadians) or out into the work world. It’s a fun change in life, if nothing else, you probably can wake up a little later in the mornings!

With that, I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to participate on local teams. If you are going onto college, there will likely be a team there. While it is important to place team participation in proportion to all other necessary tasks, it’s quite fun, especially for FIRSTers who never get tired of it!

I’m not sure when this was last updated, but for those looking for the team nearest you, CollegiateFIRST is a pretty good resource to find out if a team exists. I know on 1504, we are looking for a couple of new engineering mentors (not necessarily majors) for the 2008 season.

So please take this as an invitation to join your local team. Keep in mind DJ’s threadon why time management is essential, but feel free to continue your participation in FIRST!

PS. If anyone is interested in joining Team 1504-The Desperate Penguins, please send me a PM, email, etc. The information for our team on CollegiateFIRST is wrong, but it let’s ya know that we exist at State.
PPS. I threw this into General because I’m not sure if a lot of our grads are checking College Teams yet. Feel free to move if you like mods!

Congratulations to all the new HS graduates and now new FIRST Alumnus!

I would like to share with the community some of the wonderful FIRST’ers from Team 334 Brooklyn, NY
who are heading to colleges and universities with great FIRST experiences.
They hope to meet other FIRST alumnus at their new school this Fall.

Team 334 Tech Engineers’ Seniors College Information

Name: Michael Harris
College: Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (FL)
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Name: Christian Garcia
College: University of Central Florida (FL)
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Summer Plans: Harlem Children Society

Name: Natalia Baklitskaya
College: Columbia University (NY)
Major: Chemical/Biomedical Engineering
Summer Plans: Solar cell research and design & taking courses at Columbia

Name: Wayne Chen
College: Stony Brook University (NY)
Major: Biomedical Engineering

Name: Daniel Rosen
College: Polytechnic University (NY)
Major: Computer Science
Summer Plans: Con Edison Intern

Name: Peter Gomes
College: Polytechnic University (NY)
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Name: Dmitriy Gayduk
College: Polytechnic University (NY)
Major: Engineering

Thank you for awesome post!

I am a graduate this year… still have a little less than 2 weeks remaining though haha. But I do plan on returning and working with my team for as long as possible. I have really been drawn into FIRST and the FIRST community and FIRST has abled me to accomplish so many things; it would take forever to list them.

I also plan on being involved in FIRST in general.

I hope to see many of my fellow 07 graduates around the FIRST regionals and off season events. I wish everyone the best of luck with their future. And remember to share with those non FIRSTers what Gracious Professionalism can really do for them :wink: