To all those who stayed at the Embassy Suites...

Anyone who stayed that Embassy Suites, i have a question…
Did anything go missing or move from your hotel room?
Our team had an issue with things being stolen from our rooms (mostly $, from wallets) and i was wondering if anyone else had this problem, so that if there is a pattern we can report it to FIRST. We did file a police report, etc, but i was just wondering if any other teams had this issue.

I have no proof and I cannot really confirm this, but me and a few others did notice that more money was missing then we thought we had spent, but it may have just been that we highschoolers cannot quite keep track of how much we spend… Strange though, most of us noticed somewhere between $20-$40 that we don’t remember spending.

I also couldn’t find a game that I had brought with me, but this was tossed between a few rooms, so it may have gotten lost in the process…

I don’t know though. May have been greedy team members who found a time where they could steal easily just as well as the hotel.

We stayed there and I did not get any reports from any team members that they were missing anything.

1212 stayed at the Embassy Suites near the airport and no-one mentioned anything missing. I lost my volunteer pin the first night, however, and I’m guessing it got thrown away the next day when the room was cleaned. Either that or it’s under the TV or something.

My cell phone charger was missing, of all things. It wasnt that valuable but still the fact that it is not here anymore , but i did lose a wallet through my own fault… i’m wondering if anyone picked that up as well… black wallet , ID-Patrick Viafore… if anyone has information please let me know

We stayed at the Embassy Suites and peachtree and piedmont, but we didn’t notice anything missing. At least, not that I know of.

We stayed at the Embassy Suite by the airport

I losed a pair of shoes because some how I left them in the pool area and the house keepers picked them up. When I went looking for my shoes the front desk said they did not find a pair of shoes. Two day latter I got a call and said they found my shoes and it would cost me the same cost as a new pair of shoes so I left a pair there.