To andy baker regarding IPS

do the kits you put together contain the quarter round extrusions that you used on the outer most parts of your bot?

I’m not Andy, but i’m on the same team and i can answer this question…

If u havent seen the flyer…

the quater round that we used on the edges of our robot are included in the kit (both small and large kits)…


yeah…i noticed that as soon as i read the list :frowning:


“30x30 quarter round extrusion”

sorry…i just didnt look

thanks though!!


Once again, thanks for covering for me Clark!

I’m having a hard time keeping up on the Forums lately… especially since we are using 12 motors to propel our robot.


Andy B.

*Originally posted by Andy Baker *
**Once again, thanks for covering for me Clark!

I’m having a hard time keeping up on the Forums lately… especially since we are using 12 motors to propel our robot.


Andy B. **

hahahaha andy!!! i’ve heard that thing goes about as fast as scott sharp!! i tried to get clark to give me any details, but he won’t budge!! i can’t wait to see what you guys have come up with.