To Annapolis!

TO Annapolis eveyone! It’s time to go have fun with MOE and all the other cool teams there! I can’t wait to see everyone there!

cant wait…im already wearing my game gear

glasses (safety)
and bandanna

leaving wed. after school. in 48 hours, i’ll be in annapolis, probably causing another state of emergency :p.

*Originally posted by JosephM *
**It’s time to go have fun with MOE **

Thanks! We look forward to seeing Sparky in person instead of NASA feed. Congrats on ur VCU win. Maybe we will get neighboring pits like VCU last year. This year the pit space will be a little less cramped since our bots are significantly smaller :smiley: . Good Luck to all the teams. See ya there (Thursday night after UD classes for me). If any teams are staying at the Country Inn & Suites, I think I will bring my Xbox for some inter-team Halo action.:slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m hoping maybe this time my teacher will let me go, considering NOW she knows how IMPORTANT this is. :smiley: If not, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE AT ANNAPOLIS!!
~Chris Poon

I’m going to bring my GCN and do some Metroid Primeing while I can. Lets see where I stay and mabey we can get together and do some Halo.

I think we should all make plans to stay at the same place, and I’ll bring my PS2 and play some online Madden… :smiley:

Yo lucas,
maybe we can get 2 xbox’s goin and get an xbox party rollin. Any other teams up for that? We’re stayin at Comfort Inn & Suites. Cant wait to see sparky!

Count me in on that Halo Party! I’ll bring the… uuhhh… myself. 'cause my truck is gonna be full of robot stuff, I can’t fit anything else in.

i wish i couldl go to annapolis :frowning: cries

*Originally posted by Dante Sparda *
**I think we should all make plans to stay at the same place, and I’ll bring my PS2 and play some online Madden… :smiley: **

I dont know about “online” madden. Im not sure an $85 a night hotel includes a free broadband connection, but as someone who has played 5 seasons of franchise mode on PS2, I am always up for some 2-player. Where exactly is Team 384 staying?

I will know by this afternoon. I think it’s at the Shariton or something like that (it will probably be 100% different). I’ll bring my 'Cube and mabey we can get some Melee and Metroid going!

Lucas, you can always just split the telephone line, and then I can use it from there. But, it’s most unlikely I’ll be able to go… :mad: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
~Chris Poon

Hey, is anyone staying at the Loews Hotel? I hope that we aren’t the only team there!

On another note, is anyone else that is going to Annapolis from New England? I looked over the list and didn’t see anyone even close to New Hampshire.

One more day people, I think I can make it…

Tomorrow afternoon is going to be SOOOOOOOOO long. I have no idea how I’ll make it through.

And 25 will be there, of course. AFter some preliminary touches needed on our autonomous, we’ll be ready.

We’re leaving a little bit after school… it’s going to be like a 7 hour bus ride down there!! LOL so excited, can’t wait to se ya’ll :slight_smile:

We’ll also have 2 XBOXes… staying at some business hotel cause we couldn’t find another one… average stay of 45 days there :slight_smile: We’ll not take quite so long…

Pic of robot tomorrow at 6th period :slight_smile: Or right before we leave at 3:30.

Most of us get to wake up bright and early well before 5:00 AM. Actually, come to think of it, it will not be too bright when we wake up will we, but of well. But, we will be there in masse with sticks, all ready to go.

Do you think MOE and give me a MOE Stick(s)? I really want one. :slight_smile:

Anyway, it’s almost time to start! 384 will be leaving tomorrow night and will arrive at the hotel near the mall at 9pm.