To robot, or not to robot. That is the question!
Whether tis nobler in the competition to suffer
The over-niters and endangered body parts of outrageous engineering
Or to lye back, sleep-filled against a sea of criticism
And by laziness procrastinate them. To procrastinate, to sleep!
No more- and by a sleep we say to end
The Air-borne power tools and thousand natural shocks
That a robotician is heir to- Tis an outlet
Devoutly to be built. To procrastinate, to sleep!
To sleep perchance to brainstorm! Aye there’s the rubber!
For in that sleep of construction, what gears may come.
When we have shipped off this mortal built mechanical masterpiece
Must give us awards. There’s the respect
That makes calamity of robots so long!
For who would bear the ramming and shearing of pins
The driver’s wrongs, the crowds torment
The pangs of the crowd’s avarice, the mechanisms delay
The insolence of loosened nuts, and the bolts
That patient merit of the low battery takes
When the robot itself dodges another’s blow
With a bare transmission destroyed? Who would Teflon bear
To diminish the grunts of unwanted friction!
But that the dread of work after laziness
The unheralded activities from whose task
No student returns, puzzles the will
And makes us toil the grease and electron ills we have
Than fly to lands of sleep we know not of!
Thus Competition makes us cowards
And thus the gullible inquiring majority
Is suckered into with the pale promises of fame
And Dean Kamen never walks
With promises of Segways and Automated Wheelchairs
With this regard my laziness turns awry
And lose the name of Battlebots!
Hamlet-William Shakespeare, sortof…
very nice, were you bored in english class?
Chubtoad -
First, you prove yourself a most generous and gracious photographer, by providing a great set of photos from the VCU regional. Now you reveal yourself to be a poet!
I bow before greatness!
p.s. can I use this? (with full credit given, of course).
Wonderful! If your robot is constructed as well as this, look out world… The Kamen line (made me laugh out loud) was extra funny because I just had a conversation with someone about the ramifications of the Segway on physical activity.
Any more sonnets in the works?
Always live life like you mean it.
Thanks! We are reading Hamlet in my AP English class and our assignment was to use the model of Hamlet’s “To Be or Not To Be” speech to make our own. I being obssesed and ridden with Competition and robotics, and in waiting for this weekends regional, choose my most noble passion. Anyone may absolutley use this. If you want to see a funny pic that I took while leaving VCU visit my Live journal
Hope all enjoy! See everyone at LI or New Haven, or at the "Championship"sorry I don’t have a pic of me as my avatar, but I’m always taking the pics so there aren’t any good ones of me at robotics! I’ll be the dork with the laptop, and digital camera, peace!
Mommy make the big words stop they hurt my head.
That is a good picture, you’re journal seems to be down right now, but I saw the picture at lunch today. It’s funny in a dark way, but also disturbing. What kind of digital camera do you use? I’ve seen a few pictures of transient people on the Digital Photography review forums and you’re picture is just as good as those.
Halo- take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
The only thing to fear is fear itself. Oh, and big, nasty waterbugs.
I have a fujifilm FinePix2400Zoom. The pictures I posted in the regional pics section are actually recompressed at about 30% so they would be under 250k for the forums here. All those pics were also taken at its thrid lowest setting. it has three settings for 1600x1280 thern two for 1280xsomething and then one at 640. I just got a new card for it though so now I’m taking all my pics at highest quality, 75 pics at 1600x1280 @ 2.1megaPixels. 64mb card, $20 plus shipping. I have so many more funny pics from the trip but I haven’t posted any others. glad you enjoyed, any other questions you can message me @ chubtoad6 on AIM.
Bows down to a great Shakespeare parody writer!
I would give you mad props but Ken already gets those. I LOVE Shakespeare… yeah I know I’m wierd, but if you are just figuring this out you are WAY behind! Anyway, when my senior class was reading Hamlet we had to stoop to saying big Ham and little Ham as well as big Fort and little Fort… It was supposed to be an advanced class… I have never wished to not read Shakespeare in my life before that class. I just couldn’t take the butchery… I will hang this on my fridge and make everyone who comes to my house read it. I think its great! I may even print out a copy for our shop… hrm… hehehe.
I feel like ive been hit by a truck.
I feel like ive been hit by a truck.
I agree. I hat–er really-really dislike english. I have not gotten better than a B+ in english in my life. ENGLISH STINKS, well i speak for my self. We are reading Mcbeath, and i am lost already, and it only has been the 1st act.
P.S. I wish duck tape could help my hurting head…
Tim you’re crazy! (you all didn’t think Chubtoad is his real name, did you?)
That was great!
Set it to music, and it could be the anthem of FIRST Robotics!
thats pritty fly dude. Give us more~Give us more!!!
*Originally posted by fast frank *
**(you all didn’t think Chubtoad is his real name, did you?) **
yeah, of course we did, doesn’t everyone use their real name as their user name?
naw, jk, it’s just that we don’t know his real name, jic you didn’t already no…
p.s. can I use this? (with full credit given, of course).
4 real, chubtoad! can we quote u??
–>Shakespeare rocks. FIRST papers. Chubtoad scissors.<–
Of Course!