Have you had a problem of not knowing part names and some tool names? If you did what did you do to remember them? I am a freshman so this is my first year on the high school robotics team and i have not had a past experience with working with tools. I am trying to remember all the tool names and part names that we use. If anyone knows something or a web site that will help me please tell me.
Just practice, you won’t know them right away, just by working with them and stuff you will learn them naturally, it isn’t as hard as it seems.
you’ll get to know them…the more you work on the robot and are around the tools…the more you’ll know what they do and how to use them…AND the names of them and don’t worry if you don’t remember everything…it takes awhile…if you forget…just ask!
The more you work with things, the better you’ll get to know them. Like Molly said, if you forget the names of tools - ask! I’m sure anyone else will be more than glad to help!
- Katie
I am nowhere near being an engineer, so I’ve been known to call things by my own pet names (i.e. the ‘Clutchy-Pully’, also known as a wire stripper/cutter/crimper).
However, the kids on my team had fun asking me for things like a metric wrench and an adjustable Allen wrench… which don’t exist.