Toolchain Installation on Mac OS X

I was attempting to install the FRC 2016 Toolchain on Mac OS X, and, though it seemed to install correctly, when I attempt to compile any code, it gives me the following error:

wpilib/cpp/current/include/Base.h:65:18: fatal error: atomic: No such file or directory
 #include <atomic>

However, sometimes the error points to “#include <iostream>” rather than atomic. Does anyone know of a fix to this problem?

Have you previously used Homebrew (e.g. brew install [package]) or installed gcc in some other manner?

One of the students on our team was able to install the 2016 tool chain and get it working with out any problems. When I tried I ran into the same problem you are having. I use Homebrew and the thing that seems suspicious is that the project is referencing some Homebrew include paths. I spent a couple of hours messing around with it and then gave up.

Yes, I use homebrew pretty frequently, and I probably have messed with gcc, but I don’t know for sure.

I fixed it! It turns out that it was a problem with homebrew’s gcc, as you suggested. I ran a

 brew uninstall gcc 

and deleted all the FRC Toolchain related libraries and files (the ~/wpilib directory, and all the frc related files and folders under /usr/local). I then reinstalled the FRC Toolchain, and now the files build without errors. I was not able to get it to work until reinstalling the Toolchain, however, so I’m not exactly sure what the problem is. Maybe it chooses the gcc it wants to use at install time?

Note: uninstalling the homebrew gcc gave me this error, confirming the FRC toolchains had used it:

Error: Permission denied - /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.9.2_1/lib/gcc/arm-frc-linux-gnueabi/4.9.3/crt

I had to run a

sudo brew uninstall --force gcc

to get it to uninstall.

This worked great. Thanks for passing it on.