top 25 teams by category

Using the data from my recently released database, I thought it would be fun to share the top 25 teams by category.

Subtracted tower strength

rank	team	subtracted tower strength
1	2056	7.18
2	233	6.64
3	2122	6.28
4	148	6.15
5	610	5.41
6	359	5.40
7	25	5.38
8	118	5.34
9	5254	5.27
10	4039	5.26
11	1986	5.07
12	3683	5.07
13	2619	5.00
14	6086	4.99
15	1114	4.95
16	708	4.91
17	2481	4.85
18	4982	4.80
19	3528	4.77
20	238	4.75
21	254	4.74
22	4334	4.73
23	2486	4.73
24	1648	4.68
25	2655	4.66

Auto points

rank	team	auto Points
1	2056	20.66
2	1114	19.78
3	1747	19.65
4	987	18.58
5	1986	17.45
6	4451	16.99
7	234	16.79
8	1736	16.50
9	3310	16.38
10	1619	16.08
11	3754	16.07
12	2481	15.75
13	359	15.67
14	2877	15.55
15	179	15.06
16	2013	14.64
17	1678	14.58
18	2046	14.44
19	5038	14.38
20	1288	14.16
21	3339	14.08
22	2122	14.04
23	4039	13.96
24	2537	13.85
25	5137	13.82

Teleop boulder points

rank	team	teleop Boulder Points
1	2056	31.33
2	148	28.34
3	118	25.02
4	4334	24.32
5	330	23.73
6	359	23.60
7	4982	22.57
8	1024	22.33
9	254	21.77
10	3238	21.74
11	2502	21.14
12	2771	20.51
13	4564	20.19
14	2481	19.89
15	876	19.79
16	5038	19.75
17	2393	19.71
18	2468	19.44
19	1986	19.35
20	133	19.04
21	180	18.92
22	359	18.85
23	1241	18.69
24	1024	18.63
25	1501	18.36

scale points

rank	team	teleop Scale Points
1	1876	16.13
2	1418	15.00
3	337	14.12
4	3937	13.94
5	2200	13.20
6	16	12.08
7	3683	11.81
8	2081	11.68
9	5413	11.09
10	4573	11.02
11	708	10.98
12	74	10.97
13	5509	10.96
14	1876	10.93
15	21	10.89
16	1983	10.87
17	217	10.64
18	1094	10.58
19	3990	10.37
20	71	10.27
21	3009	10.23
22	1662	9.49
23	876	9.40
24	1533	9.39
25	5172	9.23

2056’s results are astounding, they are at the very top of 3 of these lists. That caliber of play in so many aspects of the game is completely unmatched.

There are very few consistent climbers. A 50-50 climber puts you in the top 50, and you can probably count on one hand the teams that have climbed in every qual match.

There are very few consistent boulder scoring autos out there. Some of the teams on this list may have never even scored boulders in auto. It is important to recognize that although some of the teams with boulder scoring autos may be scoring 20 autonomous points, they often are contributing far less than this if they require the low bar, because they are taking that low bar spot away from other teams who might not otherwise get a cross.

Are teams with 100% breach rates common?

That is an excellent question that my current database is ill-equipped to satisfactorily answer. Here’s my best guess, maybe in the future I will have the tools to do better.

The average breaching contribution per team is .193. That is, three average teams together would average about 57% of a breach. Thus, teams with breach contributions of 1-(2*.193) = .614 could be expected to breach every match. 54 teams meet that criterion.

Obviously, this method has some major flaws, but it should give a decent ballpark estimate.

Congrats to 1024 for being in the same list twice! :smiley:

I’m guessing one of them is 1023… typo maybe.

No typo. 1024 contributed 18.63 boulder points per match at the Tippecanoe district event, and 22.33 boulder points per match at the Walker-Warren district event.

Now the question is… Which one is 1023? Ima guess the lower one because 1024 would be above 2771

Then wouldn’t you average the two?

That would be one way to do it.

I was originally going to list both the team number and the event in these lists, but the code tags provided by CD’s text editor were being annoying, so I just dropped the event information.

You should do a category of bots with the highest defense (defense breaching) points.

As you wish.

rank	team	crossing points
1	1418	26.00
2	4061	25.76
3	11	24.57
4	1418	23.87
5	1746	23.56
6	3102	23.43
7	2637	23.36
8	4931	23.36
9	3937	23.34
10	4680	23.05
11	4468	23.05
12	4384	22.91
13	3999	22.91
14	2642	22.91
15	4680	22.74
16	5632	22.36
17	5587	22.33
18	2974	21.99
19	16	21.93
20	79	21.92
21	4911	21.83
22	818	21.81
23	4935	21.80
24	1797	21.72
25	3005	21.68

Be careful interpreting these though, remember that it is much easier to get high crossing points at weaker events.

Does this data only include qualification numbers?


For those of you who haven’t seen 4680’s robot yet, I would definitely check them out. They are probably the leading candidate for MCC this year IMHO. They have been the 6 pick and 5 captain at their first two events, respectively.

Summing Caleb’s four categories into a cumulative rank, where the points for each category =26-rank, the top 25 are:

  1. 2056 - 75
  2. 359 - 53
  3. 148 - 46
  4. 1986 - 43
  5. 118 - 41
  6. 1114 - 35
  7. 2481 - 35
  8. 3683 - 33
  9. 2122 - 27
  10. 4982 - 27
  11. 2122 - 27
  12. 4334 - 26
  13. 708 - 25
  14. 1876 - 25
  15. 233 - 24
  16. 1418 - 24
  17. 1747 - 23
  18. 337 - 23
  19. 254 - 22
  20. 987 - 22
  21. 3937 - 22
  22. 610 - 21
  23. 330 - 21
  24. 2200 - 21
  25. 4451 - 20

Average would not necessarily be useful since every event is different - then again, we are trying to compare all of the teams worldwide, which have competed in dozens of different events. My personal choice for list would probably be to include teams only once, with their highest calculated performance, in order to have a unique top 25.

How does a team average higher than 15 in scale points?


If they play X matches there are more than X scales in those matches. Doesn’t matter who actually scaled, this is all alliance based.

These values are calculated in the same way that OPR values are calculated. The numbers shown indicate a given team’s average contribution to a given scoring category, which is not necessarily the amount that they themselves score in that category. The amount greater than 15 from 1876 could just be noise, but it could possibly indicate something deeper. For example, 1876 might have scaled from the side rungs, which left the easier center rung available for other climbers.

At our event this weekend we went 13 for 15 in scaling. So to say that those teams are better isn’t really correct. It just means that their alliances were better.