Top 8 for each Regional

Posted by Mike Kulibaba.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Student on team #88, TJ², from Bridgewater-Raynham Regional and Johnson and Johnson.

Posted on 3/28/2000 12:02 PM MST

Looking at the FIRST website, They give the alliance partners for each regional but they don’t give you the top 8 for each regional. For Example, I know Team 49 was the 3rd seed out in Michigan at the Great Lakes Regional but since they got picked and allianced with the 2 seed (team 48) it doesn’t say anything about them being the 3 seed. So I was just wondering if anyone had a listing of the top 8 seeds for each regionals as they stood before alliances were picked. I know the Chief has a couple in the competition section. Thanks and good luck to everyone in the final two regionals and in Florida.

Kuli Team 88 TJ²