"Top Ten Reasons" from Championships

Does anyone know where to find video or a list of the “Top Ten Reasons” they showed after the matches on Einstein? I wasn’t able to catch them, and would love to see the,


Greg - I think you (The Blue Alliance) were listed as reason 3. I tried to snap a photo of it but couldn’t get to it in time.

Reason 4: You now spend more time at thebluealliance.net than playing Guitar Hero

Since I couldn’t play Guitar Hero to save my life, and probably spent at least an hour or two on TBA in the last 24 hours, this one was pretty accurate :slight_smile:

  • Thanks for the cell phone pages!!!

    Reason4 (Small).jpg

    Reason4 (Small).jpg

This was one of those times I wished I knew shorthand. Other than that, a transcription from video would be best. (They didn’t show any of the list on the webcast.) So until someone posts a video or more screen captures, here they are, as I remember them from my way-too-brief notes:

Top Ten Indicators You Have Shifted into FIRST Overdrive:

#10 Tornadoes or not, you come to Atlanta for the Championship.

#9 Walking to the Georgia Dome, you bump into others who are also walking there and accuse them of “impeding.”

#8 You dream about 11-ft. diameter balls on highway overpasses.

#7 Your parents buy a hybrid vehicle, and you think it will only run 15 seconds.

#6 You replace your car’s transmission with an AndyMark (fill in spec’s here)…

#5 You think “Olympic 400m hurdles” is a robotics event. (Other than the reference to the Olympic 400m hurdles, I actually don’t remember the gist of this one.)

#4 You now spend more time at thebluealliance.net than playing Guitar Hero.

#3 Your pit resembles your living room at home, because people keep asking, “Has anyone seen the remote?”

#2 You go to school or work and someone says, “Have a nice day!” You reply, “Thank you. I intend to be graciously professional.”

#1 In November, you write in Dean Kamen for President of the United States.

(Note: This last one gives me an idea for a thread. Don’t know that I’ll start it though.) :wink:

If anyone wants to find and transcribe the video, or took better notes, feel free to amend my list.

i think

#5 You think “Olympic 400m hurdles” is a robotics event. (Other than the reference to the Olympic 400m hurdles, I actually don’t remember the gist of this one.)

is actually

#5 You intend on entering your robot in the 400m Hurdle at the olympic games


#6 You replace your car’s transmission with an AndyMark (fill in spec’s here)…


#6 You plan on replacing ur Car’s Transmission with an Andymark 2 Speed Supershifter this summer

I personally think that the 400m hurdle race should just be a 400m race period :rolleyes: I think getting the robot to hurdle ITSELF over the hurdle would be a feat in itself :stuck_out_tongue: lol

When I heard the one about the blue alliance, I had to agree that I spend most of my time on the computer there. :wink:

This thread skipped a year, but did anyone record or transcribe this year’s indicators about breakaway?