My team is using mec drive with four toughbox mini gear boxes. Whenever the box’s are bolted on to our frame the box locks up and is unable to spin. Any fixes?
When you bolt them on, is this with motor and wheel, or just the gearbox?
It does the same thing with or without the motor.
pictures please
There is nothing you can see, it only locks up when the box is on. We are trying to identify what is causing it to lock, if we could see it then we probably wouldn’t be in this situation.
Does the wheel spin by hand?
Will it spin by hand if the gearbox is not installed on the frame?
What frame are you installing this on? KOP or custom?
What ratio is the gearbox built for?
What bolts are you using to attach the gearbox to the frame?
Are you using the same ones that hold the assembly together?
Were they assembled as the video shows… note the boss on the gears need to face the correct direction.
I second checking that the gearbox is assembled correctly.
I’ve see it before where it spins fine until the box is mounted to the chassis. Having one or more of the bosses face the wrong way makes a big difference when the gearbox is designed to have little lateral play.