Tracking elevator position

Our team is leaning towards using an elevator to place coral as high as L4, what kind of encoder do you use to track position of the elevator? Do you use and absolute encoder? Or the integrated encoder in the motor?

You can use the integrated encoder; if so you’ll want some way to set the offset, whether that’s a limit switch, a hard stop, or starting the robot with the elevator in the same place every time.

Then would you translate rotations to elevator height somehow?

Yes you can math out the height. Just use the number of encoder ticks and the gear ratio used.

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In the past, we’ve used a string potentiometer, which handles exact positioning, while also dealing with issues you’ll get with any slack you get on the strings/chains that lift the elevator.

Try using a Lasercan from Grapple Robotics/listed on The Thriftybot. Just use a reflector on the top of the elevator. You can easily set the elevator varying hights and top & bottom limits.

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Great idea!