Tracking only one Light

Our team wants us to only track one light instead of two. Does anyone know how to alter Kevin Watson’s code so that the camera only tracks one light?

Someone else on the forum recently suggested having it use one of the bounding box corner values instead of the centroid values. You can pick a left or right corner and end up consistently tracking a single light.

I believe you could also change your minimum confidence value.

The way the example code does it is by taking the leftmost coordinate (x0) and adding a constant to it. This way it ignores the median value of the box.

int lowright_x = packet.x1, centroid_x =, upleft_x = packet.x0, target_width=packet.x1-packet.x0;

if ( target_width > WIDEST_ONE_LIGHT  ) { // looking at two lights?
    targets = 2;
    if ( ( lowright_x - centroid_x) < (centroid_x - upleft_x) ) {
        // the centroid is nearer the right 
        target_x = lowright_x- HALF_LIGHT_WIDTH  ;
    } else {
        // the centroid is nearer the left
        target_x = upleft_x + HALF_LIGHT_WIDTH  ;
} else { // the target is NOT wide, it's one light
    targets = 1;
    target_x = centroid_x; // target that light