Tracking the white tape?

Tracking tape on a table is something I’ve seen done in college courses, what sensors would you use? How would you track the tape beneath you? This may be useful for aligning yourself and centering, possibly easier than the retroreflective tape with image processing.

You could use a color sensor to track it.

Do you know of any example color sensors teams have used in the past?

I haven’t found anything which references interacting with a ‘color’ sensor on the wpilib docs, I realize these are not the end all be all for sensors.

I think that if you’re using a color sensor, you’d need at least two, and probably three to do the job right. Aligned in a row, one should be activated by the tape and the other two should trigger when the robot drifts too far.

I’d note that this isn’t really the same as following the tape, which is what I’ve typically seen in college courses, so you might actually need some sort of image processing to see the tape and align and make adjustments.

This is exactly my train of thought actually, just aligning left/right with color sensors. Drivers should be able to get close enough and control forward/backward motion but left to right (with Omni wheels) could be automated to center every time.