tracksion on tires for ftc

can we us the hard side of velcro for our tracksion on our robot for ftc

  1. You can if you want to.

  2. I would highly recommend against it. The tires already have so much friction with the actual competition floor, if you add the velcro, that could hinder your ability to turn. If you need more stability, try gearing your robot for toque.

Without going any further into the rules which may or may not stay within varying degrees of similarity or dissimilarity to last years, or possibly other previous years rules, I would assume that it is safe to proceed on the assumption that the rule against damaging the playing field will remain. As such, if the field is carpet and you start pulling it up with velcro tyres, they will not let you back on.

The other consideration you will want to make is if the hard side of velcro will give you the traction you desire on the fish scale flooring of the 2009 game.


In last year’s competiton manual, Rule “R06” specifically prohibits the use of velcro to gain traction with the carpet. You can go to the FIRST website and look through last year’s competition manual for the exact wording.


He asked about FTC, the FIRST Tech Challenge. I’m not sure what the rules are for that.

Now, for FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition), ever since 2002, there has been a rule that says something to the effect of, “Any traction device that can damage the playing surface is not allowed.” I would say velcro qualifies.

In either case, you need to read the rules.

Just as a clarification. The rules specify that VEX metal and fasteners are allowed. Thus, the Velcro is considered a VEX fastener and thus is allowed.

And yes, this is out of the rules and yes it is for the 2008-2009 FTC game.

I know I’m late to this thread, but with the foam tiles that make up the playing surface, Velcro won’t help much (I would say “none” but I haven’t done any testing) and runs a good risk of damaging the surface.

In the past, we’ve had pretty good luck wrapping tires with friction pads (still legal in FTC? I don’t remember). The new FTC tires are rubber, though, and already have frightening amounts of grip on the foam tiles. I doubt that grip is going to be a problem for anyone.