Trajectory Calculator for Rapid React by Team #3316

Hello everyone, we’re team D-Bug #3316 from Tel-Aviv, Israel. We hope your season is going well!

During our strategy process, we wanted a tool that could help us understand shooting from different areas of the field, so we could understand the precision needed for every shot better.
We created a “Geogebra” program that could do just that.
After we finished the program, we thought that it could be use to other teams, and decided to share this tool.

To use it, you need to choose the height of the shooter, its distance from the HUB, the HUB you are aiming for, and how high the CARGO will go above that HUB at its peak.

Height of shooter : height of bot
Distance from the HUB: dist. from hub
The height of the peak of the parabola above the HUB you are shooting for: above target
Clearance of the shooting: clearance.

It’s important to note that all the units in this program are centimeters.

After entering these parameters, the program will sketch a parabola, that represents how the CARGO’s trajectory would be. The program will also show you the shooting angle, and the shooting speed of the CARGO.
If you want, you could increase the starting speed, by a factor, that you could change by moving the “power of throw” slider. You could also change the place at which the CARGO would hit by changing the “place in HUB where the ball hits” slider.

Feel free to use the Geogebra program, and we would really appreciate feedback.

Also, we learned how to use Geogebra while working on this program, so the method that we used to do calculations changed multiple times, don’t try and use the equations you find in this program for anything, and just ask us for those equations.

We hope we helped and good luck this season! :orange_heart:

Trajectory calculator for Rapid React- by D-Bug (108.0 KB)


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