
Team 1027 might want to use last year’s transmission case, but they can not be bought anymore. If your team has some we are interested in them.

Build Team Captain for team 1027

Be careful, you may want to check the manual on this one. The requirement is for the item to be available to all teams, which no longer appears to be the case.

Normally, I’d suggest that you post on CD-swap. In this case, look at this thread…there are legality issues with using last year’s gearboxes, since they are no longer COTS.

Where can we purchase 2007 Transmissions?

Thank you. Also, where can we purchase the allen head screws for the transmission? We were unable to find them on the BaneBots website. Thanks again.

You may also want to consider the AM single speed transmission, similar to those included in last year’s kit and legal for this year’s game.

http:// also may have some useful parts.