I was looking through the game rules for 2024 game, crescendo and I had did not see anything explicitly banning scoring in the trap on the stage before endgame starts, would it be a viable/allowed strategy to attempt to score in the trap before endgame to give more flexibility for harmony/onstage bonuses
I believe the trap is higher than the frame perimeter limit
can you climb the chain before the endgame starts
I haven’t found a rule against it yet, so it’s potentially legal. The trap is 4’8" off the ground so in order to score early you’d need to climb the chain somehow
use this rule and starting to lift yourself with the chain to tilt the robot to your advantage:
do you need to be in the stage area to score in the trap?
this is the only constraint on trap scoring I can find (page 46):
A NOTE is scored in the TRAP if it enters the TRAP from above (i.e. through the cutout above the AprilTag).
I found this: “ROBOTS conclude the MATCH PARKING in their STAGE ZONE, getting ONSTAGE via a chain, and/or scoring a NOTE in a TRAP.” under 6.1 MATCH Overview. I am not sure if this means you cannot score in the trap during the match not in endgame
This is in the match overview (page 41).
I would take the lack of a rule stating “robots must be in location X to score in the trap” as the OK to score from outside the confines of the podium.
Official Q and A may clear this up rather quickly
Where do I go for official Q and A?
Opens on the 10th:
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