Trap shooting rules

We looked at the rules in the manual, and we didn’t get answers to some questions we had about shooting into the trap.

  1. Is it allowed to shoot the trap before the endgame stage?
    In the rules it was written that “As time runs out, robots race to get onstage and deliver notes to their traps”, but we did not find an explicit law regarding this.

  2. A law that was also unclear to us - is there a problem shooting the trap from the floor or is it mandatory to climb while shooting?

  3. Is it possible to shoot twice for Trap? If so, can I shoot the Trap twice and thus get RP without climbing?


There are not any rules about waiting until endgame to be able to climb and score the trap nor are there any rules preventing you from shooting into the trap (though I am not sure how consistent it is). However, you cannot get the ranking point by strictly scoring in the trap.


The rules require two robots to be onstage to get the ensemble ranking point.


Check the Q&A for 1 & 2 (yes, no), and 3 is in the manual:


Hey @Korngut see below:

  1. A Q&A Answer actually answers this question.

Note Scored in Trap during auto count as stage points

Yes, all items in the STAGE section of Table 6-2 are “STAGE points” for the assessment of the ENSEMBLE. There is no restriction on when NOTES may be placed in the TRAP, however all STAGE scoring will be assessed after the conclusion of the MATCH per item C in Section 6.5.

  1. Nope you can score anyway you see fit. Just be aware of the extension limitations and other rules.

  2. You can launch as many times as you like and score on as many traps as you like but you still need 2 onstage robots. If this doesn’t work for an answer I would advise you or someone from your team ask this question in the Q&A here:

If you search for “Trap” there are a ton of answers that pertain to all your questions here.

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And just to clarify on the third question, the points for each trap has a maximum of one note as outlined in 6.5.6 Point Values of the game manual:

NOTE in TRAP (max. 1/TRAP)

I was unsure whether the initial post meant shooting twice into the same trap or separate traps.

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Thank you all!

Does Onstage robots mean robots that climbed or does it include robots that parked?

Onstage is climbing


To summarize the RP: two robots off the floor on the chain(s), AND have the minimum number of points from Stage scoring. If either fails, no RP.


Another question that came up:
Is there a limit on the amount of parts of the field that can be made for Trap? Is there a physical space for more than 3?

I’m not sure I understand the question. Are you asking about how much room on the chain? Something about the 3 faces (CORES) of the STAGE?

I will try to refine my question:
Is there a limit on the amount of pieces of the field that can be put in the Trap? If there is no limit, how many pieces of land can fit into it?


You will only get points for one NOTE scored into each TRAP. You can score one NOTE into each of the three TRAPs.

More NOTEs may fit into a TRAP, but they don’t count toward your score.

This can be the same team that is on all sides of the trap, or is there a limit of one per team?

One team or any combination of teams on the same alliance are able to score in the TRAP. As mentioned above, One NOTE per TRAP, total of 3 are possible per alliance.

There is a maximum of 1 NOTE per TRAP getting the points. It doesn’t matter which ROBOT scored the NOTES.

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