Traveling toolbox...NE teams interested?

To all teams, especially ones in the NE region.

I’m part of an organization called If, Inspiration Foundation Inc. We are a group of FIRST alumni scatter about the US…I’m trying to start a program called the traveling toolbox. Basically what we will do is bring tools to the different competitions in the NE area. The reason that I came up with this is because there is always a tool or part that is forgotten or can’t be found. I know working with a rookie team this year, another issue we were worried about was getting our stuff back…why am I bringing this idea up? I need your feedback, I have gone to the post season competitions in the area and have past out surveys (I went to Rally, Mayhem and Battlecry). Thank you to the teams that gave them back…but I need more info, if teams are interested in participating in the survey, please answer the below questions:

  1. What tools have your team forgotten?

  2. What tools have teams borrowed from you?

  3. What tools have you borrowed?

  4. Do you know of companies that would donate tools etc?

  5. Would your team be able to donate anything (IE: tools, parts, $$)

  6. Could we contact you in the future for more info?

Please e-mail your responses to [email protected] or reply to this post, please make sure you mention your team #

thanks again for any help that you can give…

sounds like a good idea to me

My team is not exactly from your area, but one thing that we have forgotten (twice now, I think) is our ‘other’ light cover when we have gone to PARC. We arrive there (3 hours north of us) and realize that we have forgotten the blue cover (this year). I also know of some teams whose covers have been damaged during the many off-season competitions.

This was done in 1999 I think at the Hartford Regional where The Technonuts who were at that time sponsored by Stanely brought a long tons of Stanely tools and let teams borrow them. FIRST had told them that they would have a station in the pits but when they got to the regional there wasn’t a spot left and they were given an area in the stands which was out of the way. This is the main reason for the failure. The next year there was a rule that said teams couldn’t bring their own shops and what not so since they had a not so good experience the first time and thought that they would be included in what wasn’t allowed to be brought they decided not to do it again.

There may be a possibility to get rejected but still usable tools from Sikorsky Aircraft. We are looking into this possibility. The tools no longer meet aircraft quality specifications but are team has gotten quite a few this past year. Mostly nut drivers, pliers, screw drivers, and the like, any interest?

soundslike an awsome and good idea to me, ill post more later.

Is it just me, or when teams have to rewire their robot quickly because of inspection or error, they always forget a sodering iron?