Travesty: Is EasyC Too Easy?

Truly, is EasyC too easy? I have worked on several complex C and C++ projects, and way back then, I would have LOVED to have a program like EasyC. But now, having the experience that I have, it almost seems as though EasyC is squatting all over the sense of intelligence that my programming skills gave me. So: Do you think EasyC is TOO EASY? :eek:

If you would like a little more challenge you can swap into the text editor and create all your functions manually. So, less blocks more and written code. Also you could try some more complex processes like PID controls.

EasyC is supposed to be easy. If you want to get into more complex programs write them in Eclipse or MPLAB (uhg).

EasyC just removes the neccesity of knowing syntax. Syntax isn’t what makes a good programmer a good programmer. Yes, yes, yes, when working collaboratively good coding practice dictates certain styles, and of course syntax is important or the compiler won’t know what you are talking about. But really, independent of language, programming is about thinking logically to solve a problem. The essence of programming revolves around thinking of every possible way your code can go wrong…and keeping it from happening. EasyC doesn’t do this, it merely simplifies the production of correct syntax. It just gives you the library card to the WPILIB. What you do with it is programming. Do you think that when you use strings in C that it just magically exists? C is a high level programming language that gives you access to some libraries (where Strings are programmed).

I program to solve problems every day. I have no problem using every short cut that is available to me to get my code down. I really don’t understand why anyone would rather type every gory detail out. To me that’s like getting a tooth extracted without novacaine.

Sure new programmers should learn the nuts and bolts of programming. But in the middle of a build season? No.

For someone who does not know how to program, I think easyC can be a very useful tool. But for an accomplished programmer, I think the answer is clearly “Yes, easyC is too easy.”

When we swapped to the text view it wouldn’t let us type anything. The help system wasn’t much help for that issue – it’s fantastic for explaining how to use the built-in program blocks, but it doesn’t address going beyond them.

It does a whole lot more than that. It hides the entire IFI control system implementation behind a GUI and a collection of building blocks. That makes it amazingly simple to use joysticks to drive a robot, or to use quadrature encoders to track shaft rotations, or to control the air compressor based on a pressure switch. As long as the building blocks meet your needs, it’s great.

However, I found it to be a significant challenge to implement anything that wasn’t already part of the easyC repertoire. You have to resort to “knowing syntax” in order to define arrays or static variables, for example; but what you do that way is not understood by the rest of the easyC environment.

EasyC is so easy a catfish can use it. Seriously though I really like it because it is very fast to use. For non-complicated robotics it’s amazing, but for some of the more complex 'bots it gets pretty difficult

easyC won’t let you edit Main, Init, Operator, Autonomous, or API.h. All you can edit by default is UserIncludes.h. After that you can import .c & .h files or create your own by right clicking “Header Files” or “Source Files”. I think I need to make a video for this and post it. It seams that allot of teams are having a hard time with this.

Wow. I didn’t actually think I would get any responses towards my point of view.

I am a new programmer. However, I think that as others have said before Easy C doesn’t go far beyond its own blocks. It is a good program for quickly writing simpler programs, but when you want to program for anything outside of Vex or FRC you will find yourself at a loss in text editor environments without taking the time to learn the language.

I would LOVE to not use easyC, but during the build season, there’s not enough time. Maybe next year…

Although there’s nothing wrong with using easyC. It’s a lot more powerful than I expected.

Much like Alan said, it’s fine for most teams - too difficult and there would be problems - but if what you want to do doesn’t have a defined block, oyu run out of wiggle room pretty quick. I’d venture 75-85% of teams could do just fine with it.

Some teams with complex robots and sufficient expertise will find other environments more useful. For those teams, yes, it is ‘too easy’.

But you still need a tool for the masses.
