Trigger buttons

We are trying to take what we learned from Ben Zimmers video to create programming for the triggers of the joysticks that came in the KOPs to make one move a chain forward and one make it move a chain in reverse for ball manipulation (not driving the robot).

We are also trying to make one button on each joystick move our dumper forward and the identical button on the other joystick move our dumper backwards, but we cannot seem to get from what Ben showed/taught us to this. Anyone have a bit of time to help us?


Is anyone using a system like this?
We are really struggling.


Do you know how to read a joystick button? Make a simple bit of code to do that for each button you want.

Do you know how to set motor speed? Use an if statement to use the value of the joystick buttons to decide what speed to run the motor at. If you’re having problems with the code, show us what you’re doing and we can help you find what should be changed.

Have you looked at this?

We do not know how to read a button. I have seen something called Get.
We just got our basic driving code to stay on the cRio at startup.
We use both joysticks that came in the KOPS. The basic driving code works. We can go forward, back and turn nicely. I will see if I can find how to read a button. I have done lessons #5 - #10 of Ben Zimmers videos and went to the classes this Fall in NOVI, MI for Labview.

Use a Joystick Get VI. Wire the appropriate joystick’s DeviceRef bundle to it. One of the Get’s outputs is a bundle called Buttons. Wire that output to an Unbundle By Name VI. Click on the “Button 1” text and you’ll get a menu of possible buttons to read. The output of the Unbundle By Name will be a boolean representing the state of the button.

Now you can use that boolean to choose what value to send to the motor. Do you know how to do that?

No. I found out that the dumper is using the Keyang motor and the chain is using the globe motor and the drive motors are the CIMS.