I didn’t see a post about this, but something happened at Central Illinois for, as far as I can tell, the second time ever-- a team walked out of a regional with three blue banners.
As far as I can tell, the only other team to have accomplished this feat is Team 2283, Panteras, at the Mexico City Regional last year. It’s possible that a team has pulled this off before they started handing out blue banners for WFFA, but I haven’t checked that far back.
Anyways, congratulations to 2220 on the accomplishment-- that’s a very small club, and it makes this alumnus very proud.
Also, if you know any pre-2015 occurrences of this, feel free to post them-- this is a very cool accomplishment, even if you don’t consider WFFA to be a “real” blue banner.
The “Triple Play” is a rare feat… but it has happened from time to time. I want to say 217 pulled one of them off about 10 seasons ago, but I’m not entirely sure.
604 pulled off a WFFA, RCA, and Regional Winner at the 2010 Sacramento Regional.
And as far as I know, 67 was the first team to ever walk away from an event with 3 physical blue banners, winning Championship Chairman’s, Division and Championship Winner at the 2005 Championship.
It’s virtually impossible to do this in Michigan anymore, where even if you ignore the difficulty of winning and earning the CA at a state level, you’ve got dozens of fantastic, WFFA-worthy mentors passed over each year because only one can be selected (out of over 400 teams this season).
Anyhow, I guess that makes three: the two this year and 67 in 2005.
It seems that TBA doesn’t count WFFA as a blue banner. 2220 is recorded as having two blue banners on the insights page but still has all three awards.
111 pulled it off back to back at Midwest in 2005 and 2006, winning the regional and Chairman’s both years and having Big Al Skierkiewicz and Dan Green selected as WFFA winners. (Al in 2005, Dan in 2006)
Actually 525 won the regional, won chairman’s but Ken Swartley (their mentor) won volunteer of the year not WFFA. He actually won Woodie Flowers at the 10,000 Lakes Regional in 2011.