Now that VB3 seems to be working smoothly, do you think that it’s time to hang up the Trivia game? Not many seem to be playing the game much anymore. Perhaps it is time for a new game or somebody else to start one possibly…
I think for the few people who do use it, not including me, maybe there should be a seperate forum for games like the trivia game, word ascociations, this or that, etc. This will leave the chit-chat forum open for just what its original purpose is…CHIT-CHAT! Any games could then be grouped in one spot and have their own section, considering the fact that (as I recall) most forums get about one post per month and Chit-Chat gets several hundred posts per day, probably. This will break it up a little and spread out the posts. It will also make the list of new threads in Chit-chat shorter, in case you just want to have a conversation about something that doesn’t have exact rules, give prizes, and only let you use one word posts.
I think your numbers are just slightly off. I alone average 2.76 posts per day. Right after the forum upgrade, I learned that approximately 200 of my posts were in the Chit Chat forum. So, not factoring in Chit Chat posts, the average for MYSELF ALONE would be about 2.39 posts per day. I don’t really see how most of the forums could only be getting one post per month when one person is dropping over 2 posts per day.
I guess I was exagerating the numbers, but I still think there should be a seperate forum for games.
Being one of the people who played FIRST Jeopardy almost religiously at times, it may seem hipocritical, but I think it’s losing it’s appeal. In fact, I thought it had done so a long time ago, when I picked up almost every point for the month of September. It’s gotten to the point where there are a few hardcore trivia players, and not too much excitement. I think it should be retired, or at least given a break for a while. Maybe we can come up with some new game to replace it? As it stands, I think it’s just getting boring, really.
I like the idea of making a trivia forum where all those threads-with-rules should go. I’d like to go into chit-chat and find something to talk about (Rather than 1,000-post threads listing a bunch of questions.) As I don’t actually see anything wrong with them, they just don’t seem to fit perfectly into a chit-chat area. shrug
Now to be fair, *( No one answered, so I assumed everyone thought it was okay. I’ve listened to every suggestion I’ve gotten concerning the game (and have actually implemented most of them), you guys just need to help me here by throwing some ideas. And I’ll tell you right now, barring a Brandon Martus decision to shut it down, I’m not stopping.
Oh Jeff, BTW, you picked up less than half the points in September.*
Whatever. It’s irrelevant. I had a ridiculously large share of the points one month, and that’s what I meant. I still think the game is boring, now. We need a totally different trivia game of some sort; a total makeover of the game. Otherwise, it’s just not gonna be interesting much longer. That’s the plain and simple fact. The only reason I even read the trivia threads are to read Big Mike’s answers, and that’s saying something, Eddie.
Again I repeat my idea to make a games forum that is inside of or seperate from Chit-Chat.
I also think it’s time to hang up the Trivia game, or atleast get a new game going or something. It would be different if more than the same 10 people played it all the time, but it seems to be getting kinda old.
I agree. They’ve been moved. Let me know if I missed any.
All I’m asking is for people to throw out ideas to make it better (or even for a similar game that’ll last). The problem is, no one has thrown me anything the past month when I really needed it. I have a few ideas that I’ll experiment on throughout the month, but I wouldn’t mind the help.
And hey, if all else fails, I could always argue that no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to go near the Jeopardy forum. Those who play like it, and I see no reason to take it away.
Maybe its old and nobody wants to play it anymore?? You call it “FIRST Jeopardy” but there are no questions on actual “FIRST Trivia”. There are lots of vetrans out there that would have some really good “FIRST Trivia” questions. There would be a lot more people willing to play a game like that than just general trivia. Last night Andy Baker, DJ Flick, JVN, myself, and a few others were giving out some really tough “FIRST Trivia” and other trivia on aspects of a robot. I think to have a game that is like that, you would want somebody else to do it that has a better background on FIRST. This may not be the best time as we are going into build season, but perhaps once competitions are over somebody would want to volunteer to be the lead on a game like that.
Who would want to volunteer for being the lead on an actual “FIRST Trivia” game?
FYI, I am not volunteering myself for this one, but I would be happy to supply some trivia and would love to participate in a game like that.
I’m going w/ the majority here, I think the trivia game has run its course. Maybe if it actually had anything to do with robotics I’d play it, but it doesn’t so I don’t even look at it really. I like David’s idea/suggestion of making a game that actually asks questions about FIRST and robotics. Someone should head that up.
The ‘yes’ part of the poll won, when do I get my prize?
You don’t get a prize since you revived a dead thread, a big no-no!!!
I don’t know… if you ask me, I turned out the big winner of this. Moving all the game posts brought more traffic to Jeopardy, and with the new 2.0 game, I’ve got more players than ever. Elgin has his thing going, and I don’t see any of it ending anytime soon.
Long story short, Dave, I’m still flying.
And this is my last post in this thread.
Keep flying…
::exits thread with head held high::