TROJAN LOADER PMs from phoeebe915 - Don''t follow "Hi Friend" PM links!

Beware! User phoeebe915 has been cracked/taken over by a trojan loader site, and is sending out CDF PMs, with the title “Hi Friend”!
It is attempting to get you to go to:
… h##p:/… ,
which is a known trojan loader site!

(For more info, Google “” to see some bitten user warnings.)

Do NOT follow the link! Delete the PM immediately!

  • Keith

Since it’s kickoff and everyone’s busy I’d recommend emailing/PMing a moderator directly to take care of this quick. Thanks for the heads up

[email protected]

The user has been banned.

I got a similar message, with what looks like the same URL embedded in it, from IFI’s Vex Forum.

Maybe that is why the Vex Forum doesn’t appear to be accepting any updates right now.

Don’t get burned by a bogus Vex PM.

PS: The Vex Forum account’s personal data claimed the account owner was from Swaziland of all places. I’m sure that I might have a friend in Swaziland some day; but not right now. Among plenty of other warning signs, that was one tip-off that something was amiss.