Trouble getting BDC-COMM to see the black Jaguar

We are having trouble using BDC-COMM to update the firmware and set the CAN ID on a black Jaguar. We’re hoping someone can see what we might be doing wrong. Here’s what we’ve done:

  1. We very carefully followed the instructions at to create the RS232 adapter using the approved DigiKey parts.

  2. We created a CAN terminator, per, using the approved DigiKey parts.

  3. We created a 6-pin modular phone cable to go from the RS232 adapter to the black Jaguar, again using the instructions at

  4. We don’t have an RS232 port on our computers, so we used an off-the-shelf USB-to-RS232 converter to add an RS232 port to our laptop.

  5. We plugged our RS232 adapter (that we created above) into the USB-to-RS232 converter, and used our 6-pin modular phone cable to go from the RS232 adapter to the “left” port on the black Jaguar.

  6. We plugged our CAN terminator into the right port on the black Jaguar.

  7. We provided 12V power to the black Jaguar.

  8. We run BDC-COMM (downloaded from on the computer.

  9. At this point, we have two problems: (a) The black Jaguar is flashing “red” slowly, as though it has a fault condition (per the Jaguar documentation); and (b) BDC-COMM cannot see the black Jaguar at the other end of the cable, even though we have the COM port setting set correctly in BDC-COMM.

It’s possible we might have a broken Jaguar, or incorrectly-created cables, or our off-the-shelf USB-to-RS232 converter might not be working. We’ve been very careful and double-checked everything, but it’s still possible we have one of these problems. However, I just want to check to see if anyone sees anything above that we are doing incorrectly, due to a misunderstanding on our part, etc.

Any help appreciated!

We have the same problem, if anyone has the solution please let me know.
Ours is flashings orange slowly.

The steps you outlined all sound correct. Couple of questions just to ensure everything has been checked:

  • do you have the proper drivers installed for the USB-to-DB9 adapter? If you go into Device Manager you should see a COM port that corresponds to the adapter, and that is the serial port to use in BDC-COMM

  • if you disconnect everything except power from the Jaguar and then power it up, does the LED still indicate an error condition? If so it sounds to me like the Jaguar is faulty.

  • Ron
    Team #2607 controls mentor

Below is the table from the BDC-MDL24 Getting Started Guide found here:

Normal Operating Conditions
Solid – Yellow Neutral (speed set to 0)
Fast – Flashing Green Forward
Fast – Flashing Red Reverse
Solid – Green Full-speed forward
Solid – Red Full-speed reverse

Fault Conditions
Slow – Flashing Yellow Loss of servo or Network link
Fast – Flashing Yellow Invalid CAN ID

What you are calling orange, I assume they call yellow. Therefore, you are just experiencing a loss of network link. This suggests that you have a connection problem. The Jags will blink as such when you are disabled (or any other time they are not receiving a signal). I hope this helps…

  • Bryce


When you hold the RS-232 and the RJ-11 cable face up so the contacts are facing you, are they the same or reversed. If there the same there made correctly if not you must make the cable so that they appear the same.

If they are done correctly the cables will resemble the cable pictured here.

What he said!

  • Bryce