Trouble with drill moter assembly?

We built a prototype with the drive train assembly that FIRST supplied this year, we have found that the screws on the flexable coupler come loose, always…we also tried lock tight and it ended up stripping the inside of the coupler, since we found that alunminum and steel don’t work well together with lock tight…does anyone have anyother suggestions or similar issues with this pre-built drive system??

Did you use the left-handed bolts that come with the motor mounts? They go through the black coupler and into the aluminum drill motor attachment. They are needed to hold it together.

Yes…it still came loose…I’m not sure why…

Hmm, that’s odd. I wouldn’t recommend using lock tight (is the brand Loctite?) though as it would be quite hard to remove the bolts if it is ever necessary. We haven’t been able to test our drive system with the drill assemblies yet since we are waiting on some parts but I’ll let you know how they work for us when we get to testing…