Trouble With Spark Flexes and Vortexes

Hi all, we are having some major issues with the Spark Flexes attached to our new Neo Vortexes. When we attempt to run the motors, the motor beings to studder and shake. When this happens the Rev Hardware Client shows a EEPROM error. 2 of the flexes were showing signal errors similar to when you have do not have a neo sensor wire correctly plugged in to a spark.

We are running the newest version of the rev hardware client (1.6.2) and the Spark flexes are running software version 24.0.2 if that is important. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciate.

Post this in REV Robotics - SPARK Flex and NEO Vortex - #501 by Emerson1706

It sounds similar to what this team reported.

Flex and Vortex issues are documented here: REV Robotics - SPARK Flex and NEO Vortex - #508 by Patrick3357

But for your specific issues you should email

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