Troubleshooting a jag

Can you safely connect a jag to direct power in order to see if it still works? It does not have the odor of a burned out electronic and no physical signs of damage. It is one of our new jags so i refuse to beleive it is burned out until i can prove it. Can anyone help me? Thankyou.

Before you go too far, can you describe the symptoms you are observing that make you think it is bad? For example, does the indicator light come on at all?

Am posting response for them as they are working on other things currently:
Light was flashing
Manipulated joystick
No response from gearbox (which may or may not have been due to a coding problem)
Loud whirring from jag began (definately not due to coding problem)

Rebooted system:
Loud whirring from jag
No indicator light
No response from gearbox

Opened jag case:
No burnt odor coming from circuit board
No obvious signs of bad or melted solder joints
Fan spins freely
Wires did not appear to be touching blades

First things first, you can directly connect the jag to 12V with no breakers for testing purposes. If you have a CAN serial cable, you can use that plus BDC-COMM to do diagnostics on the Jag. Otherwise you’ll only see a flashing yellow light without a good signal PWM signal.

Secondly, what color was it flashing when it wasn’t working? Slow yellow means you don’t have a good PWM signal or CAN network. Fast Red or Green means you’re sending it a reverse/forward command. Slow red means there’s a voltage, temperature, or limit switch fault.

Thirdly, the whirring you hear is quite likely normal. That’s the cooling fan. On a 2012 Jaguar, the fan runs for 1 second after power on, and runs whenever you’re sending a forward/reverse command.

Solid Red/Green means full reverse/forward.

Originally Posted by Kevin Sevcik
Fast Red or Green means you’re sending it a reverse/forward command.

Just to clarify, both these statements are true.

Sorry guys, jumped to work today and this is the first chance we’ve had to get back to this. Will run the testing tomorrow and get back with you. Thank you for the advice!

Ok, so newbie question…we are using C++, how do we use BDC-COMM for testing purposes OR where can we find the info on how to do this?

BTW This is an inexperienced electrical team as far as diagnosing and troubleshooting anything more technical than faulty wiring and calibration issues…

Nevermind. Just found the info I was looking for regarding BDC-COMM…