Truss throw catching club

I suspect that the most rare ability demonstrated on the field this year was the ability to catch a truss shot (intentionally). The only thing rarer is to do so as part of a perfect cycle. Anyone else done it?

The interesting thing is that catching a truss shot requires more teamwork than anything else in the game this year. It really should be worth more than just 10 points.

At the Chesapeake Regional, we took one practice match specifically to work on truss catching. With 1629 throwing, it took three missed attempts before the drive teams nailed it, and completed the last two of the five attempts. We were hoping for the opportunity to catch a throw from them in the qualification matches, and we were dismayed to find that the match schedule had us playing against them TWICE.

There’s an interesting back story to the catch in the above video, as well. We got to be good friends with 1610 on a shared bus ride to Palmetto a couple years back. The weekend before the VA Regional, we traveled to 1610’s home turf and spent a day doing joint drive team practice, using our respective practice bots. Among the things we practiced together were floor assists, and over-the-truss passing. We never got a really good opportunity to work together in a qualification match until this one, and it resulted in an over-the-truss catch, a perfect cycle, and setting the high score record for the regional. Our Friday night strategy session was held jointly with 1610, with everyone sharing scouting data and insights about the other robots, then each team separately developing their own pick list. As luck would have it, we ended up on separate alliances, and met as opponents in the finals. Because two teams on 1610’s alliance had previously earned Championship slots, we knew we were going to St. Louis when they made it into the finals. The finals were about who got to take home the Blue Banner, and whether our 3rd alliance partner would go to Worlds with us. After seeing 1610 take the gold at our previous two regionals, it was finally us who came out on top at Chesapeake. Without patting ourselves on the back TOO hard, one of the things I’m proudest of this year is how the students on 1610 and 2363 have lived the philosophy of Gracious Professionalism, competing fiercely on the field while helping each other become better when off the field. It’s these kinds of relationships which the teams of Virginia need to develop with one another in order to raise the level of gameplay in our state to match other areas of the country.

Woo, 4536 is now part of two clubs!

2501 was the only other robot at our regional to catch a ball (I think).

1678 (trus) and 399 (catch) ran two perfect cycles of 60 in the last finals match at Inland Empire in Week 1. The video has run repeatedly in highlight reels (with me standing up and blocking the camera…:o )

1678 also has the capability to catch (which we did several times at the Week 0 practice session) but haven’t since IER.

Team 20 has caught truss shots before. I’ll get up video of the FLR qual match where they get one of ours. They have used their catching ability for other roles in the eliminations rather than catch points.

2056 was doing some catching at their events. I remember 67 getting an accidental catch once from 469, but that wasn’t purposefully done (I don’t think) and I don’t have match footage off-hand.

179 and 1251 twins can catch

1251 putting on a clinic with 4 catches

179 catching under defense

We caught balls from two different robots at Vegas this past weekend (I don’t know where there is any video). We also may be the only members of the “truss and catch your own ball” club which you can see here ( ) at about 1:55! We were told later that we were only awarded style points for our catch :rolleyes:

2010 at Buckeye had 4 or 5 catches spread out through their matches. There was one match where they caught twice from us.

1648 caught a pass in one of our matches at Palmetto, though i can’t remember off the top of my head which match it was. We attempted catches several other times, but failed in all of those other attempts.

@Citrus Dad, that had to have been our collectively worst auton period of the entire elim matches!

I personally think the “catch” is probably the most undervalued point action in the game. I think it would have made the build season more interesting if they would have given it a 20pt value, so that so many teams wouldn’t have written it off their design as low probability / low reward point. I wonder if any regional experienced double digit catches total during it’s entire weekend?

I was not at Utah, but was told 399 had 2 more catches that regional, and I know we caught another in a Las Vegas Qual round.

I loved our (1768 to 399) pass&catch as it was like a QB throwing to a receiver in full stride. nothing “Lob & run under” about it.

Here is the video 1678 posted publicly on youtube:


2583 catches 3 balls in this match (only 2 are the correct color).

We throw to them using our flashlight passing aid.

1218, 4575, and 4373 had a perfect cycle at springside chestnut high event

2485, 987, and 3250 had a perfect cycle in the first quarter-final match of the San Diego regional.


According to me, this club contains the teams that actually succeeded the point of the game : making aerial assists. Congrats to all the teams who succeeded on doing this, including us, who managed to catch the ball a couple times at the Montreal Robotics Festival. I don’t have any footage on me right now, but as soon as I get some, posting it here will be the second thing I’ll do with the footage (the first thing being watching it, of course!)

We had a catch (trussed by 5318) in quarter final 3-2 at CODE. I think it might have also been a 3 assist cycle (with 1245 in bounding). I’ll come back and post a link to the match video once it’s uploaded. One of my favorite moments that weekend =)

We caught a truss shot in a qualifying match at Arizona. We tried a few more times and failed, it is hard to do, especially with a robot that isn’t really designed for it.

We had 2 (almost 3) truss catches throw by 662 in qualifier match 60 in Colorado.

148 had a catch from 359 in the quarter finals at Dallas. The crowd went wild.

Thanks to our extendable arms we have caught about 5 times at Chestnut Hill and Lenape.

Todd Ferrante from 2363 mentioned the day spent with us practicing
at our place. Below is a link that one of our mentors did. (thanks Matt)
While its not a video…there are some shots that show us practicing
throwing and catching.

2363 because of the design of their robot is very very good at catching
when they are on their game.

Thanks Todd for your Kind words.

BTW…the field carpet you see…is from the Virginia regional field last year.
Compared to the carpet carnage i’ve seen this year, last years game was much easier
on carpet and the VCU carpet was still in excellent shape after the regional.

At Pittsburgh we had back-to-back perfect cycles with 1503 catching. We also had two catches of our own throughout the event and I believe 1218 had one.