Trying old code and getting weird errors I've never seen before

I’m using old code found here, and I double checked that all the pwm values are correct yet I’m still getting errors I’ve never seen before.

I tried looking up the error codes and couldn’t find anything similar to them. this code used to work on the robot a couple years ago.


Someone from WPI should be able to give you a better idea of what’s going on, but if I had to guess I would say that the version of WPIlib in that code is out of date with the firmware on the Rio you are deploying it onto. It definitely looks like a version error of some sort.


Thanks! We recently reinstalled labview on half of our computers, yet it’s the same version as before (2022), so it shouldn’t have issues. Maybe game tools got updated? Or it could be because I’m using a navx v2 library downloaded off GitHub that I’m not sure the age of

Hmm… Is the image on the Rio you’re using also 2022? I don’t think it would the navX because it looks like one of the WPI write PWM functions isn’t playing nice. (error -63195)

i found this post about a similar issue. If your versions look correct you may consider reading through this and maybe reaching out to Greg McKaskle because he is a LabVIEW wizard and he helped the team in the post I linked.

That code is from 2018 and you reference it working “a couple years ago”, so I’m a bit confused on what you mean here when you say 2022 is “the same as before”.

Regardless, the third error in your first screenshot indicates a mismatch between the roboRIO image and the library version in the code. The library appears to be up to date (it’s expecting the roboRIO image to be 22.2.0), so the roboRIO image must be old. If you’re compiling with FRC 2022 LabVIEW, you need to use a 2022 image on the robot.

(Also, feel free to hit me up on the FMA Discord. I’m Josh (from 2191) on there. And tell Sean I said hi)

it was just because of an old “set output” block

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